













2010 Barbwires

2011 Barbwires

2012 Barbwires





"If you can't say anything nice about someone, sit right here by me."

Alice Lee Roosevelt Longworth  

2015-20 Barbwires

2020-5/22 Barbwires


6/22-11/23 Barbwires

Breaking News

Andrew Barbano Editor/Publisher
Photo: Debra Reid, Sparks Tribune

Donald Trump's Death Sentences
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 3-19-2025

How to become a Nevada welfare queen
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 3-12-2025

March comes in with a lion —> from Ukraine

Red Scares and Nobel Red Flags
Warnings from Walesa and Ressa
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 3-5-2025

Zelenskyy for President!
Washington DC 2-28-2025 —> So refreshing, heartening and energizing to see a leader with brass balls in the Oval Office as opposed to the Russian traitor with three gold balls hanging in his pawn shop
Be well and raise hell, President Volodymyr / America is with you and our democracies

Let's kick some ass! Sign up at BallotBoxing.US

Stay tuned for much more!

Down there among the swamp critters
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 2-26-2025

Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 2-19-2025

Rise of the Reptilian Brain Trust
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 2-12-2025

The Spaghetti Wall
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 2-5-2025

Dastardly depredations of Czar Dastardo
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 1-29-2025

Inattention abstention on coronation day
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 1-22-2025

The Goats of the Ides of January
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 1-15-2025

Dark depredations & golden opportunities
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 1-8-2025

A walk thru the Wayback Machine
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 1-1-2025

Give peace a chance
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 12-25-2024

The Mickey Mouse conspiracy
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 12-18-2024

Don't mess with Mary Poppins
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 12-11-2024

The parable of the pasta water
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 12-4-2024

Chef Charlie Abowd: Renaissance Mensch
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 11-27-2024

Top 10 Cures at 14: Exorcist wanted
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 11-20-2024

President Hoover, meet Smoot and Hawley
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 11-13-2024

The Saga of Sarah the Tranny Granny
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 11-6-2024

FASCISM? That's a new face cream, right?
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 10-30-2024

UNR Follyball in Mississippi West
Bigotry cloaked in womens' rights drag
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 10-23-2024 / Updated with breaking news

Piggy-backing to play leap-frog
Second in a series.
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 10-16-2024

Electing Judas Iscariot
First in a series.

Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 10-9-2024

The Barbwire never forgets
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 10-2-2024

Seethe along with me
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 9-25-2024

The Used Car Presidential Campaign
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 9-18-2024

9/11 Amnesia Lane
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 9-11-2024

Last gasp of white-wigged white guys
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 9-4-2024

Joyfulness replaces Dejoylessness
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 8-28-2024

Across the Universe
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 8-21-2024

Prophets and Profits
"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read."— Groucho Marx

Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 8-14-2024

Hot August VD
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 8-7-2024

State houses, courthouses & cat houses
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 7-31-2024

Dirt cheap and cheap shots
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 7-24-2024

We've seen this movie many times
Commissar Donaldov is a closet sado-masochist:
"Hurt me, tell me you love me, then bend over."

Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 7-17-2024

Dream Team: Tom Hanks & Oprah Winfrey
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 7-10-2024

Creeping Senility vs. Glaring Insanity
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 7-3-2024

Getting physical: TV T-Rump Raps America
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 6-26-2024

Ammotextual orgy of death
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 6-19-2024

Devouring their own
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 6-12-2024

President Donald Kardashian
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 6-5-2024

The shrinkflation of democracy
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 5-29-2024

Cheesily pickled politics
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 5-22-2024

A smattering of splatterings
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 5-15-2024

What happened to us?
"Only then did he
realize that the little boy was dead
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 5-8-2024

May Day Labor Day: Start Packing
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 5-1-2024

Raw bits, base hits, old bits and obits
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 4-24-2024

Watering the money trees
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 4-17-2024

Ain't we a pair?
Dennis Myers & Andrew Barbano inducted into César Chávez Nevada Labor Hall of Fame
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 4-10-2024

Health care bandidos and flaming ammotextuals
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 4-3-2024

Earthquakes and 2x4's
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 3-27-2024

Rape means never having to say you're sorry
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 3-20-2024

Be careful what you wish for
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 3-13-2024

Jinxed Jacobs Juice Job Joylessly Junked
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 3-6-2024

BLACKLASH in Trumpsylvania West
Saving a church & saving the U.S. Mail
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 2-28-2024

Just win, baby
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 2-21-2024

Taylor triumphs, T-Rump teed off
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 2-14-2024

Celebrate the life & legacy of César Chávez
César XVIII April 5, 2024 / 5 Abril 2024


¡ se puede!

¡Union diga si!

Siren princesses traumatize trolls
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 2-7-2024

Commissar T-Rump Serves Czar RasPutin
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 1-31-2024

Ben Franklin's bleary bifocals
Guest-starring Peter Sellers & The Muppets

And a true story: Song from the streets of San Francisco

Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 1-24-2024

To Die For
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 1-17-2024

Portents from the Terminator
MASK UP: COVID, RSV and Influenza are swamping emergency rooms
BUYER BEWARE: Cancer-causing chemicals in makeup and everything plastic
(Consumer Reports)
SIGN AND VOTE: Initiative petition filed to regulate payday loan predators
Now hiring union organizers
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 1-10-2024

Control freaks and crackerjacks
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 1-3-2024

Hope you and yours enjoyed Happy High Holly Days
Feliz Navidad, próspero año y felicidad
HAPPY NEW YEAR / Feliz Año Nuevo
/ Felice Anno Nuovo
Frohe Weihnachten und beste Wuensche fuer 2024
Vaxx up, stay safe, pray for Ukraine and almost 100 other currently war-torn lands.

Betty J. Barbano
2-7-1941 / 12-27-2005
Remember her laughter

Larry Barbano, Frater Mei

T-Rump raps America
The Orange Crusher goes hip hop
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 12-27-2023

The greatest movie never made
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 12-20-2023

I Love Lucy: Open the Golden Door
All those thousands of unkempt travelers on our southern border are not our problem, they are our solution. Screen them. House them. Feed them. Educate their children.
They will make us prosperous and proud.

Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 12-13-2023

In the cocoon of our unhealthy cartoon
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 12-6-2023


War in moderation?
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 4-13-2022

Get ahead of corporate-influenced news—>Subscribe to Barbwire Confidential
The Underbelly of the News—>TOP SECRET, HUSH HUSH!

Site Map
SITE NAVIGATION TIPS: When all else fails, read the instructions (a favorite John Hanks aphorism I've been using for decades)
Je Suis Charlie

Get ahead of corporate-influenced news—>Subscribe to Barbwire Confidential

We Don't Need No Education: The Neverending Series
Site Map

Required Readings

The Lady in the Red Dress
The award-winning Barbwire classic Nevada Day column written in 1983
The compleat history of the Silver State in 500 words

DAILY SPARKS TRIBUNE 1-3-2011 & 10-31-2018

Liberal reasons to oppose liberal positions and policies
Guaranteed to irritate all points of the political spectrum

DAILY SPARKS TRIBUNE 12-26-2010 / Updated 7-12-2017

Guest Columnists

Travus T. Hipp
Feb. 20, 1937
— May 18, 2012

BREAKING NEWS 10-24-2014: Travus and Lynne Hughes' longtime home, the old church in Silver City, burns to the ground with the loss of one life. Say a prayer and treasure the memories. Sean Laughlin promises to rebuild. Victims were Travus' first wife, Sandy, and her dog.

The Bullfrog Times-Picayune
Sticky Stones: Last blast from the past

Love ain't free: Evelyn Kerr's remembrances of the life and times of Travus T. Hipp from the pages of TimeMazine (CD available)

We put the state on life support for another two years
Assemblyman Richard "Skip" Daly, D-Sparks / Reno Gazette-Journal Guest Editorial / 7-17-2011
Editor's note: Alas and alack, the 2013 session provided instant replay.

Prof. Jake Highton, 1931-2017
Travus T. Hip
p, 1937-2012

Dennis Myers, 1948-2019 [Remembering Dennis]
Orland T. Outland, 1923-2000
Labor Leaders

David Farside 1936-2014
The Farside Chronicles
Harry Spencer remembers David Farside
Tribune Editor Dan Eckles: Farside a class act

17-year investigative series

PUMPING PROFITS — Why does gasoline cost so much?
Read the awful truth in the Barbwire Oilogopoly Archive

Get ahead of corporate-influenced news—>Subscribe to Barbwire Confidential

Some of the Barbwire's Pre-Internet Greatest Hits

Return of the Lost Boys —> KCBN's last day
Barbwire / Sparks Tribune / 9-29-1989
Whoever promised me a CD of all 13 hours and never sent it, now would be a good time. People are waiting. Please e-mail me.
Uploaded on the occasion of the passing of Big Daddy Chuck Harper, 1934-2014
Barbwire / Sparks Tribune / 12-23-2014

John F. Kennedy's 2013 inaugural address
Excerpted from the original full text from 12-29-1991 (.pdf)
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 11-22-2012 Daily Sparks Tribune

Lynne Hughes and Barbara Bennett: Energy Again [.pdf]
Uploaded on the occasion of the passing of Travus T. Hipp, 1937-2012
Barbwire / Sparks Tribune / 3-21-1993

1995 Washoe Med (Renown Medical) Grand Jury Report
Additional columns just uploaded from our archives + the 3-18-2012 Barbwire
Grand Jury report available for the first time on the web

The fairy tale power of 35 pennies
From the 12-22-1991
Daily Sparks Tribune / .pdf format
Presented to my granddaughter as a university graduation present on 5-27-2011
and referenced in the 5-29-2011 Barbwire

Gail Bishop: We harvest the fruit of his labor
From the 2-20-1994 Daily Sparks Tribune (.pdf format)
Velma Bishop, 1928-2010
From the 10-3-2010 Daily Sparks Tribune

Doug Davies: Rum & Ragtime Renaissance Man
Daily Sparks Tribune 11-14-1993 (
.pdf format)

Diss me, father, for I have sinned
Daily Sparks Tribune 7-16-1995 / Reprinted 7-15-2007

Merle Brennan: The Last American Sportsman, 1-7-1996
Updated with vintage photos, restored race cars and a visit from Il Comendatore himself
UPDATED 10-4-2008
Ronald Reagan, 1911-2004
A memoir from Nevada's undercover Reagan-Bush PR man

Slightly updated 6-6-2004 from the 8-2-1992 Daily Sparks Tribune original

Labor Day '94: People vs. Corporate Con-Job
A brief history of neo-con PR and the roots of corporate propaganda
Come, follow me: A walk with the grateful dead
A visit to Nevada's first AIDS leper colony
The award-winning second Tribune Barbwire
From the 8-19-1988 and 7-10-1994 Daily Sparks Tribune

BEASTY BOYS—>Did Naval Air Station Fallon bury live animals after a huge fuel spill?
From the 1-19-1990 and 1-22-1990 Daily Sparks Tribune

Barbwire Diplomacy
Revisiting the fourth Tribune Barbwire: "Chilé took Nevada for a sucker" 9-2-1988
Breadlines in boomtowns: the American plantations
Expanded from the 7-19-1998 Daily Sparks Tribune / Updated 12-12-2006
Theme casinos, Spuds MacKenzie & Brigitte Bardot
The first Barbwire

Originally published in Reno, LV and Sunworld Airlines magazines, August, 1987

Continuing Tragicomedy
Judge Clarence Thomas meets Prof. Kingsfield
Reprinted in the San Francisco and Los Angeles Daily Legal Journals, 1991
Updated 6-27-2013

More sucker punches from Lush Rambo
Barbwire by Barbano/ Expanded from the 3-11-2012 Daily Sparks Tribune

Includes links to two freshly-uploaded 1992 columns. I warned you.

Insanity from the eye of the newt
From the 5-20-1990
Daily Sparks Tribune / .pdf format
UPDATE: So what else is newt?
The great ones died but Newt's like Dracula
Happy High Holly Days anyway!
Barbano by Barbano
/ Expanded from the 12-25-2011 Daily Sparks Tribune

Smoke 'em if ya got 'em
The reasons behind the failure of Nevada's first non-smoking casino
Barbwire 3-2-1990

Recently uploaded blast from the past for MLK Day —
I was a teenage racist

Expanded from the 1-12-1990 Daily Sparks Tribune
This column also appeared in the 1-19-1990 Comstock Chronicle
Updated and modified versions in the Fresno Bee, Daily Sparks Tribune and Reno Gazette-Journal
Jan. 14-15, 2012

Below, right: The Nevada University Scandals of 2010-present
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Click here.

Below, left: The Nevada University Scandals of 1996-1997
Please let us know if much has changed.
1997 Barbwire Pulitzer Prize entries are noted with *asterisks*
Category 4 — Explanatory Journalism
Category 9 — Commentary

Janet MacDonald 1941-2012: The beautiful face of honor
The Barbwire fondly remembers the courageous university system treasurer who dared tell the truth
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 1-29-2012 Daily Sparks Tribune

UPDATE: Let there be Rosenbergy again
Term limits or not, vote for Howard Rosenberg anyway, dammit!
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 7-27-2008 Daily Sparks Tribune

Shunting Nevada work to out-of-state carpetbaggers is nothing new

University just won't learn—>
The smoking gun: UN,R subcontractor hires and exploits undocumented workers
Dennis Myers/Reno News & Review/9-26-2013

Just like old times: UN,R and Hot August Nights
Barbwire by Barbano/Sparks Tribune/9-26-13

Marginal contractors on UNR job draw Laborers' Union ire and picket line
U-News / 9-19-2013
Reno Gazette-Journal front page/9-24-2013

State of the Unions —>
Non-Nevada contractors, including Apple, continue to plague local workers
Reno Gazette-Journal 9-1-2013

Bullfighting in Tonopah —>
Billion-dollar tax-subsidized solar array goes to shady contractor from sunny Spain
Barbwire / Sparks Tribune 8-11-2011

Nevada workers march to UNR for Nevada jobs
U-News / 5-20-2010

Con jobs by charlatans in the name of our children
Originally published 5/4/97
Slavery, sweatshops and shell game education
Originally published 4/27/97
New evidence in the university financial shell game
Originally published 4/20/97
All university regents face ouster, TMCC chief quits
Originally published 3/9/97
The question no one asked Howard Rosenberg — till now
Originally published 3/2/97
The buckaroo kangaroo court hangs Rosenberg Thursday
Originally published 2/23/97
Only embrace the tar baby when DNA proves it's yours
Originally published 2/2/97
Emperors, educators, pregnant paupers & presidents
Originally published 1/26/97
Secret university audit catches chancellor lying!*
Originally published 1/19/97
A watered down education for Mother Nevada's kids
Originally published 1/12/97
Both Nevada and its university open 1997 lost at sea
Originally published 1/5/97
The 1996 Grateful Deadhead and Chia Butthead Awards
Originally published 12/29/96
*Shadowboxing Jello, yahoo kangaroos & Downsize This!*
Originally published 12/22/96
*EXTRA! Barbano endorses environmental jockocracy *
Originally published 12/15/96
*University Scandals 1996: The Empire Strikes Back *
Originally published 12/8/96
*Howard Rosenberg: the most powerful man in Nevada *
Originally published 12/1/96
*Howard Rosenberg: unlikely David vs. Philistine Elite *
Originally published 11/24/96
*Clark Santini: still watching over his university*
Originally published 11/17/96
*Protected pianists at the Casablanca College Casino*
Originally published 11/10/96
*Ghost Professors, Gold Mines and Shell Games at UNR*
Originally published 11/3/96
*Slam-dunks: fun follytix up at the U*
Originally published 10/27/96

EDITOR'S NOTE: The Oct. 27, 1996, Barbwire began a six-month investigation into the labyrinthine intrigues of the University and Community College System of Nevada (UCCSN), now called the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE). At the suggestion of chess grandmaster and author Larry Evans, most of the 1996 installments, as well as one involving university issues in the following year, were entered by the Sparks Tribune in two categories of the 1997 Pulitzer Prize competition. That ongoing interest in the affairs of higher education has never waned. You may use the NevadaLabor.com search engine to do a keyword search on the occasional treatment of university issues. You will also enjoy the ongoing comments of longtime University of Nevada-Reno journalism Prof. Jake Highton (1931-2017). Be well. Raise hell. — Andrew

Current Barbwire Index


Gov. Dudley Do-Right's Greatest Hits
Dudley Do-Right, Snidely Whiplash and Nell Fenwick cartoon characters © Jay Ward Productions. May their tribe increase.















2010 Barbwires

2011 Barbwires

2012 Barbwires





"If you can't say anything nice about someone, sit right here by me."

Alice Lee Roosevelt Longworth  

2015-20 Barbwires

2020-5/22 Barbwires

Breaking News

6/22-11/23 Barbwires

Breaking News

NevadaLabor.com | U-News Archives | NevadaLabor.com Front Page Story Archives
Breaking News + Bulletins + Almanac
Casinos Out of Politics (COP) | Sen. Joe Neal
Guinn Watch | Deciding Factors
| BallotBoxing.US
DoctorLawyerWatch.com | Barbwire Oilogopoly Archive
Barbwire Nevada Corporate Welfare Archive
The Barbwire Molly Ivins Memorial Columniator Hall of Flames
Annual César Chávez Celebration
War Rooms: Banks, Cabbies, Cabela's/cabellyup, Cable TV, Cancer Kids/Mining, Energy, Health Care,
, Starbucks, Wal-Mart
We Don't Need No Education

In Search Of...

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SITE NAVIGATION TIPS: When all else fails, read the instructions

© 1982-2025 Andrew Barbano, all rights reserved

Andrew Barbano is a 56-year Nevadan, was longtime executive producer of Nevada's annual César Chávez Day celebration, first vice-president and political action chair of the Reno-Sparks NAACP, labor/consumer/civil rights advocate, member of Communications Workers of America Local 9413/AFL-CIO and editor of NevadaLabor.com and BallotBoxing.US and SenJoeNeal.org and DoctorLawyerWatch.com and Rentvolution.org and ConsumerCoalitionv.org and MississippiWestNV.org/ As always, his opinions are strictly his own. E-mail barbano@frontpage.reno.nv.us. Barbwire by Barbano has originated in the Sparks Tribune since 1988 and received its 10th Nevada Press Association award at the 2019 NPA annual convention and its eleventh in 2021. (That trophy and about six bucks will get you a Latte Mocha Cotsafracas Chingade at just about any Starbux worldwide, guaranteed.) The Northern Nevada Central Labor Council/AFL-CIO inducted Barbano into the César Chávez Nevada Labor Hall of Fame on April 5, 2024.

Be well. Raise hell.

Esté bien. Haga infierno. (Pardon my Spanglish.) / être bien, élever l'enfer (And my French.) / Stammi bene. Scatenare l'inferno. (And Italian.)

2013: The Barbwire's Silver Anniversary in the Silver State
Aug. 1988-Aug. 2013 —>Now we go for gold
Barbwire by Barbano moved to Nevada's Daily Sparks Tribune on Aug. 12, 1988, and has originated in them parts ever since.
Whom to blame: How a hall-of-famer's hunch birthed the Barbwire in August of 1987
Tempus fugit.

Join the campaign to bring community television back to Reno-Sparks-Washoe.
Donate at our PayPal-enabled ReSurge.TV Consumer War Room

Get ahead of corporate-influenced news—>Subscribe to Barbwire Confidential

Barbwire wins 11th Nevada Press Association award

NevadaLabor.com Site Directory

Hope you and yours enjoyed Happy High Holly Days
Feliz Navidad, próspero año y felicidad
HAPPY NEW YEAR / Feliz Año Nuevo
/ Felice Anno Nuovo
Frohe Weihnachten und beste Wuensche fuer 2025
Vaxx up, stay safe, pray for Ukraine and almost 100 other currently war-torn lands.

Betty J. Barbano
2-7-1941 / 12-27-2005
Remember her laughter

Larry Barbano, Frater Mei

We Don't Need No Education: The Neverending Barbwire Series

Get ahead of the corporate news wave—>Subscribe to Barbwire Confidential

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