Friday, 11 Jan 2013
04:16:04 (EST)
I'm writing now to tell you that the latest TimeMazine
issue 7 — is finally out. It is mainly a magazine about psychedelic
music from the 60s and also now. I have an article on Chan
— it is more about him and music — and his involvement
in the Red Dog Saloon and also how he was remembered. On the
cover (above), you can see where it says down towards the bottom on
the right "Travus T. Hipp."
The CD also has compilation of one of his radio broadcasts from 2006
— which his son Sean allowed to be used.
Anyone who wants to buy a copy — and also likes the music of the
60s and also now in that vein — can buy one direct from
They can buy with PayPal. The cost is either getting the magazine with
the CD (which has Chan's broadcast on it) or getting the magazine with
the CD plus a 7" vinyl single which is a new addition to the 'zine
these days. The prices include postage to the US.
TimeMazine #7 + CD : 14 EUROS (POSTAGE INCLUDED)
TimeMazine #7 + CD + 7" VINYL SINGLE (Black) : 20 EUROS (POSTAGE