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But before you do so, please read this note. —AB

Barbwire wins 11th Nevada Press Association award
6 of 11 gold
Tribune editorial page voted 2020 best

Dennis Myers 2nd Barbwire nominee elected to Nevada Press Association
Hall of Fame

BREAKING NEWS—> Two New Barbwire Winners!

Jake Highton & Guy Louis Rocha 2024 Barbwire honorees
4 down, 4 to go

Support Don Dondero
and David Toll and
Foster Church and
Norman Cardoza
Send endorsements

The Dean's List

   The Dean of Reno Bloggers could very well be Andrew Barbano, self-described "fighter of public demons," who started putting his "Barbwire" columns online in 1996 and now runs 10 sites.

RENO NEWS & REVIEW, 11-9-2006


Site map
SITE NAVIGATION TIPS: When all else fails, read the instructions (A favorite John Hanks aphorism I've been using for decades)

Je Suis Charlie
"Our republic and its press will rise or fall together." — Joseph Pulitzer

Updated 2-12-2025 GMT

Breaking News & Bulletins—>
Starting 8-1-2024
Breaking News & Bulletins January-July 2024

Hope you and yours enjoyed Happy High Holly Days
Feliz Navidad, próspero año y felicidad
HAPPY NEW YEAR / Feliz Año Nuevo
/ Felice Anno Nuovo
Frohe Weihnachten und beste Wuensche fuer 2025
Vaxx up, stay safe, pray for Ukraine and more than 160 other currently war-torn lands including ours.

Rise of the Reptilian Brain Trust
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 2-12-2025


Hundreds gather in Nevada state capital to protest Trump policies
By: Kelsey Penrose / ThisIsReno.com / 2-5-2025

Hundreds protest Trump administration actions at rally in Nevada capital

By Mark Robison / Reno Gazette-Journal /2-5-2025

Anti-Trump protesters voice concerns at Capitol, dispute draws investigation
Driver points gun at demonstrators
By Scott Neuffer / Carson City Nevada Appeal / Fallon Lahontan Valley News / 2-5-2025

RENO NV 2-5-2025 —> RAISE HELL ON HUMP DAY! Please distribute.

50/50 demonstration in front of Nevada Legislative Building, Carson City, NV 12noon Feb. 5.

The depredations of Czar Dastardo Donaldov and Prime Minister Elon Mush must not stand. (See today's Barbwire in the Sparks Tribune: "The Spaghetti Wall." Up shortly at NevadaLabor.com.)

TRULY A GRASS ROOTS UPRISING STARTED BY ONE GUY. Google "50 in 50 feb 5 demonstrations" for more info. Story has gone viral. My union brother Paul Lenart tipped me about this yesterday. One guy in, of all places, Missoula MT, started this off, he said. A local non-profit jumped in resulting in today's 50/50 (plus the provinces and DC, I hope)

Endorsements of today's Carson event include the Democratic Party, Indivisible Nevada, the National Nurses Union and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), according to Bro. Lenart.

Watch NevadaLabor.com for updates as they arrive. Spread the word.

Be well. Raise hell. Stay safe.




Andrew Quarantino Barbano
(775) 882-TALK

From the Barbwire in the Sparks Tribune of 3-27-2024:

"THE JOKE I DARED NOT PRINT. Not long after the 2023 start of the Gaza War, I wrote a gag ad for a new high rise luxury condo on cheap balmy beachfront Mediterranean property. The BibiHamas Towers would be immunized against missile and artillery attacks because they would be jointly owned by Israel and Iran. I never developed the item because all that death and destruction are not fair game for satire.

"Until...the fake news New York Times reported on Israeli real estate developers hosting shows in New Jersey and Toronto offering choice investment opportunities in the Holy Land. Complete with protestors, of course.
"I'm on the mailing list of evangelicals promoting tours of Israel even in wartime. US fundamentalists are Israel's most solid tourist base, supporting the country in anticipation of the prophecy of Armageddon being fulfilled.
"We're getting close."

ALAS AND ALACK, life imitates art. In his White House meeting with BibiYayhoo yesterday, Czar Dastardo Donaldov proposed exactly that, only with him as developer. Moving more than a million Palestinians somewhere? Piece of cake. Or halvah. Hitler moved over six million very efficiently, right? And we're already building U.S. concentration camps. Might as well expand the business. Watch for Bitcoin investment offerings.

Gaza can be the 52nd state after Canada caves. Greenland and Panama, maybe. Puerto Rico, HELL NO!

El Presidente thinks they talk funny.

"We become what we despise" — Goethe

CC2/5 50/50/BallotBoxing/opsn25a

The Spaghetti Wall
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 2-5-2025

Dastardly depredations of Czar Dastardo
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 1-29-2025

Inattention abstention
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 1-22-2025

Happy MLK Day. Sorta.

Happy MLK Day anyway

On the Northern Nevada Martin Luther King. Jr. Highway

All are welcome

Monday January 20, 2025
Caravan gathers at 10:30 a.m. PST
Departure 11:00 a.m

Rehoboth Holy Temple
700 Smithridge Drive / Reno, Nevada 89502


Info: Don Gallimore / Reno-Sparks NAACP
(775) 303-1057




Dear Friends and Gentle Hearts

On January 16, 1959, two babies were born. They became sisters in both life and death.

My daughters would have turned 66 today, senior citizens bouncing grandchildren on their knees. Alas and alack, 'twas never to be.

Debra Joyce Donlevy and Donna Leslie Cline remain instead forever young, victims of the monster that stalks Nevada until this very day.

Our dark desert highways are dangerous and deadly, as is the emergency medical care available outside of the metros. I have been writing about it for decades. (Do a websearch for "NevadaLabor.com Cline Donlevy".) Until I did so just before I composed this memento, I had not realized how many times and many ways I have told their story. Any change in cowboy cartoonland is slow, stingy and grudging.

Memories both bale and beautiful reside hereat.

The cliché goes that once something's up on the Internet, it's there forever. I will so mandate in my will that their story be funded in perpetuity.

Remember them in your travels and in the tales you tell. See their pretty faces and read about their lives and those they touched.

Stay safe and take care of each other.

Andrew Quarantino Barbano




Letter Signed By Majority Of State Legislators In Support Of Thousands
Of Graduate Assistants Asking To Unionize To Be Delivered To NSHE

In Reno and Las Vegas, state legislators, Nevada State AFL-CIO officials, and frontline workers will highlight Nevada System of Higher Educastion failure to recognize the union.

Thursday January 16, 2025
Reno: 12:00 PM PT - Outside Clark Administration Building on the UNR Campus
Las Vegas: 12:30 PM PT Outside NSHE Building (4300 S. Maryland Pkwy)

Las Vegas & Reno, NV. — This Thursday, January 16, Graduate Assistants at the NSHE will hold press conferences in Reno and Las Vegas to deliver
letters signed by the majority of both NV legislative chambers that call on NSHE officials to respect the democratic choice of graduate assistants to form a union. Press is welcome to attend.

A supermajority of 2,500 Graduate Assistants have signed union authorization cards to form Nevada Graduate Student Workers-UAW.

In November, GAs announced their majority and requested that the University administration recognize their union and begin negotiations for a first
contract. But since then, officials have not yet agreed to union recognition.

“As Graduate Assistants, we perform the majority of research andteaching at the University of Nevada. The university works because we
do,” said Keely Rodriguez, Chemistry Graduate Assistant at theUniversity of Nevada, Reno. “But too many of us have been subjected to
discrimination and harassment and struggle to pay for housing and food. We formed a union to have an equal say to address these pressing issues. This Thursday we are coming together with our allies in the community and the legislature to tell NSHE to respect our democratic choice to
unionize, and come to the bargaining table now."

We are asking for the same collective bargaining process that other NSHE employees currently possess,” said Evelyn Airam, a Graduate Assistant in the School of Integrated Health Sciences at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

“In a recent survey distributed by GAs across NSHE, 7percent of GAs stated they do not feel that their pay and benefits are sufficient to cover their living expenses. We love our jobs and we want them to be sustainable, so that we can focus our energies on teaching and research, instead of how to make ends meet. A strong union contract is the best way to achieve this.”

Who: State Senator Angie Taylor, Assemblywoman Erica Roth, Frontline
Graduate Assistants, and more.
When: 12pm, Thurs, Jan 16th
Where: Outside Clark Administration Building on the UNR Campus.

Who: State Senator Fabian Doñate, Graduate Assistants, Nevada State
AFL-CIO officials, and more.
When: 12:30 pm, Thurs, Jan 16th
Where: Outside NSHE Building (4300 S. Maryland Pkwy.)

Background: NGSW-UAW is a group of Graduate Assistants (GAs) at UNR, UNLV, and the Desert Research Institute working together to form a union
to improve our working conditions. GAs make critical contributions to teaching and research but lack secure rights and protections in the
workplace, and struggle to afford housing and other basic expenses. GAs formed a union because we believe the best way to make progress on these
issues is through negotiating a collective bargaining agreement, as 3,000 NSHE classified staff have done.
CONTACT: Bergen Kenny Woodbury
BrightLine Communications
(415) 819.0959

[1] https://ngsw-uaw.org/


STRIKE! Culinary and Bartenders unions strike Virgin Las Vegas
¡Viva huelga!


Northern Nevada Sheet Metal & HVAC Apprenticeship
Unveils New Website and Brand Identity

Cutting-edge Design and Enhanced User Experience to Benefit Apprenticeship Recruitment and Training

Reno-Sparks, NV— The Northern Nevada Sheet Metal & HVAC Apprenticeship is proud to announce the launch of our new website, www.nnsmhvactraining.org, as part of a comprehensive rebranding effort.

This new platform offers an engaging and streamlined experience for prospective applicants, current apprentices, our Local 26 members, industry partners, and the broader community.

The website highlights the apprenticeship's modern brand identity, complete with professional imagery of our people, innovative projects, and state-of-the-art training center. Featuring a user-friendly and efficient application process, the website simplifies the path for individuals seeking to enter the sheet metal industry. This new system is not only beneficial for applicants but also for staff, as it is designed to save countless hours of administrative work, allowing the team to focus on enhancing training and support for apprentices.

Through the four-year paid apprenticeship, participants gain on-the-job training combined with classroom instruction in HVAC systems, welding, architectural sheet metal and more. Apprentices also earn college credits, competitive wages, and benefits, ensuring a strong foundation for successful, long-term careers.

"Our new website is a testament to the vision and collaboration that went into this rebranding effort," said Thomas Blotzke, JATC Coordinator. "We're incredibly grateful to Second Story Marketing Group for their creativity and professionalism in helping us showcase who we are and what we do. Their work has been instrumental in communicating our mission and elevating our presence in our industry."

About Northern Nevada Sheet Metal & HVAC Apprenticeship

Established in 1942, the Northern Nevada Sheet Metal & HVAC Apprenticeship provides comprehensive training to prepare individuals for successful careers in HVAC, welding, and architectural sheet metal. With a focus on hands-on experience and classroom education, the program equips apprentices with the skills needed to thrive in the sheet metal industry while promoting lifelong learning and professional growth.
Contact Information:
Northern Nevada Sheet Metal & HVAC Apprenticeship
Brooke Noel, Administrative Assistant/Public Relations Coordinator
Phone: (775) 331-6393
Email:  bnoel@smart26jatc.org


The Goats of the Ides of January
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 1-15-2025

Dark depredations & golden opportunities
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 1-8-2025

A walk thru the Wayback Machine
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 1-1-2025

Give peace a chance
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 12-25-2024 / Updated

Teamsters Union strikes Amazon nationwide, including Reno



UPDATE 12-21-2024 GMT— Teamsters Local 533 needs strike support at the Lemmon Valley Amazon Distribution Center.

WHERE: Amazon Fulfillment RNO4, 8000 N Virginia St, Reno NV 89506
WHEN: Happening NOW and going 24/7 until called off

This is a national strike at numerous Amazon locations throughout the United States. It is an unfair labor practice strike, and all locations will be active primary picket lines.

We encourage our brothers and sisters from other unions to participate in solidarity by joining the Teamsters on the picket line. For more information, contact Ross Kinson at ross@teamsters533.org or 775-247-5673.

Español —> CesarChavezNevada.com

Teamsters Local 533 Calls for Solidarity Strike at Amazon Distribution Center, Northern Nevada Central Labor Council Joins Nationwide Action

Reno, NV – December 18, 2024 – Teamsters Local 533 and the Northern Nevada Central Labor Council are calling on the Northern Nevada community to support a nationwide strike at Amazon locations throughout the United States. The strike is in response to unfair labor practices at Amazon.

Strike Details:
• Location: Amazon Fulfillment RNO4, 8000 N Virginia St., Reno NV 89506
• Start Time: Thursday, December 19 at 6:00 AM
• Duration: 24/7 until called off

This strike will see active primary picket lines at multiple Amazon locations nationwide. This is a ULP (Unfair Labor Practice) strike, as Amazon refuses to schedule time to come to the table with Teamsters to discuss a fair contract for Amazon workers. The NNCLC encourages all union members, as well as elected officials and members of the community, to stand in solidarity with the Teamsters by joining the picket line at the Lemmon Valley Amazon
Distribution Center.

For more information, contact Ross Kinson at ross@teamsters533.org or 775-247-5673 or Gary Watson at gary@teamsters533.org or 775-527-2391.


Amazon Delivery Drivers at Seven Hubs Walk Out
By Noam Scheiber and Santul Nerkar
The New York Times 12-19 digital, 12-20-2024 print edition

Teamsters Launch Largest Strike Against Amazon in American History
By Kara Deniz / International Sisterhood & Brotherhood of Teamsters 12-19-2024

Picket line set for North Valleys Amazon warehouse in support of national strike
By Bob Conrad / ThisIsReno.com 12-18-2024

Amazon workers across US gear up to strike this week
By Michael Sainato / The Guardian/UK 12-17-2024

Teamsters Local 533
Strike War Room



Starbucks workers' union strikes across US as talks hit impasse
By Savyata Mishra, Gursimrankaur Mehar & Renee Hickman / Reuters 12-21-24

NevadaLabor.com Starbux in Nevada archives

Stay tuned

The Mickey Mouse conspiracy
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 12-18-2024

Betty J. Barbano
2-7-1941 / 12-27-2005
Remember her laughter

On January 16, 1959, two babies were born.
They became sisters in both life and death.

Larry Barbano, Frater Mei
12-18-1947 / 10-18-2023

Don't mess with Mary Poppins
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 12-11-2024

The parable of the pasta water
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 12-4-2024

Chef Charlie Abowd: Renaissance Mensch
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 11-27-2024

Top 10 Cures at 14: Exorcist wanted
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 11-20-2024

STRIKE! Culinary and Bartenders unions strike Virgin Las Vegas Nov. 15 5:00 a.m. PST
Las Vegas, NV (Nov. 15 2024 5:00 a.m. PST) — For the first time in more than 22 years, the Culinary Union has taken workers out in an open-ended strike at a Las Vegas resort. Over 700 hospitality employees stopped work at the Virgin Las Vegas beginning Friday, November 15 at 5:00 a.m. PST. We will continue as long as it takes to win a new 5-year union contract. We formed picket lines around the property which will remain in place 24/7. Culinary Union Local 226 urges customers and community allies to *not* cross the strike line. We respectfully request that customers check out of the property, choose a union accommodation, dine at union restaurants and cancel reservations. Thanks for your support. Stay tuned.
¡Viva huelga!

Sindicato Culinario EN HUELGA en Virgin Las Vegas, trabajadores de la hostelería de la ciudad se unirán a la huelga en solidaridad el sábado

¡ se puede!

President Hoover, meet Smoot and Hawley
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 11-13-2024

The Saga of Sarah the Tranny Granny
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 11-6-2024

Shocking Ballot Boxing—>
US, TOO—>'Surprising' poll: Harris leads Trump by 3 points in Nevada, Rosen ahead of Brown by 12
By Mark Robison / Reno Gazette Journal 11-4-2024 9:04 a.m. PST
Heavyweight addition to Harris now up by 3% in Iowa according to authorititative Des Moines Register poll

FASCISM? That's a new face cream, right?
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 10-30-2024

UNR Follyball in Mississippi West
Bigotry cloaked in womens' rights drag
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 10-23-2024 / Updated with breaking news

Piggy-backing to play leap-frog
Second in a series.
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 10-16-2024

Electing Judas Iscariot
First in a series.
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 10-9-2024
UPDATED 10-13-2024 GMT: Tracking Poll sez Question 3 fading. Stay tuned!

All the news you never knew you needed to know till now—>Subscribe to Barbwire Confidential


WCSD Students to Participate in
2024 Northern Nevada Construction Career Day

More than 1,600 middle- and high school students from across northern Nevada will attend the 2024 Northern Nevada Construction Career Day, where they will participate in hands-on activities including mixing cement, driving a virtual backhoe, putting together plumbing pipes, and pulling electrical wiring.

This annual event is hosted by the Associated General Contractors (AGC) of Nevada and is designed to educate students about careers and trades in the construction industry. There will be interactive exhibits, hands-on activities, career advice, and input from local industry experts. This event is free for students and schools thanks to generous scholarships provided by the Nevada Chapter AGC, many local construction companies, and trade organizations.

When: Thursday, October 3
             10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Where: Reno-Sparks Convention Center
              Southwest corner of South Virginia Street and Peckham Lane
Media contacts are:
Matt MacKay, WCSD CTE Coordinator
Carisalynn Stratton, AGC Workforce Development Manager



The Barbwire never forgets
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 10-2-2024

Seethe along with me
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 9-25-2024

The Used Car Presidential Campaign
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 9-18-2024

To Win Nevada, Harris Must Turn Infrastructure Jobs Into Votes
By Gabriel Thompson / Capital and Main (Calif.) / 9-10-2024

Harris Debe Tornar Los Empleos En Infraestructura En Votos Para Ganar Nevada
By Gabriel Thompson / Capital and Main (Calif.) / 9-10-2024

Barbwire and Nevada Press Assn. Hall of Famer Guy Louis Rocha on PBS-Reno "House with a History"
Livestream Sunday 9-15-2024 5:30 p.m. PDT KNPB TV-5/Northern Nevada
Rocha inducted to Nevada Press Assn. Hall of Fame in Reno on Saturday 9/14/2024

Dear Friends and Gentle Hearts*

Subject: Double Hall-of-Famer on PBS-Reno this Sunday
Date: 2024-09-13 06:21 PDT
From: barbano@frontpage.reno.nv.us
To: News <news@ballotboxing.us>

Dear Friends and Gentle Hearts:

This Sunday Sept. 15 at 5:30 p.m. PDT, northern Nevada KNPB TV-5 has scheduled a rerun of "House with a History" about the Carson City Bliss Mansion. This opening show of the series features Nevada historian and union chronicler Guy Louis Rocha and can be livestreamed at pbsreno.org/

In only his second year of nomination by myself (and a few living or dead unindicted co-conspirators), my dear friend Guy will be inducted into the Nevada Press Assn. Hall of Fame in Reno on Saturday, 9/14. I have posted the story at NevadaLabor.com and relevant websites.

Guy was earlier installed into the much more exclusive Barbwire Molly Ivins Memorial Columniators Hall of Flames, as was the late University of Nevada-Reno journalism Prof. Jake Highton. My legendary Sparks Tribune colleague Jake will likewise be honored by NPA this Saturday.

Guy may or may not be able to attend. I hope his health permits it. At minimum, I hope someone informs him of the happy coincidence of the TV program. I further hope that the show will be announced at his induction at the Saturday NPA Awards Luncheon in Reno. And please tell your friends.

The rerun from KNPB's 2005 series is charming, the history of the gorgeous Carson City Bliss Mansion, built by an actual 49er more than 100 years ago. Even the door handles are made of Comstock Lode silver!

Guy's multiple soundbytes setting the history of the time make the half-hour sing. Hell, they make you wish the show was hourlong.

Be well. Raise hell. Stay safe.

Andrew Quarantino Barbano

(775) 747-0544

bcc's: Media, friends of Guy, union brothers and sisters

NOTE to area postal workers, their unions and elexion watchers: I have just posted the latest blast at Postmaster General Louis the Clueless DeJoy at NevadaLabor.com/ You need to see what the National Association of Secretaries of State and the National Assn. of State Election Directors just hit him with regarding their concerns about prompt delivery of mail-in ballots. (As Mr. Rogers might put it, "can you say vote suppression?)

TV series highlights historic Carson City homes
By Peter Thompson / The Record-Courier (Minden/Gardnerville/S. Lake Tahoe) Jan. 25, 2005

* "Dear Friends and Gentle Hearts" was apparently a song never written. The words were found scrawled on a scrap of paper in the pocket ot the great American song writer Stephen Foster when he died in 1864 at age 37.



2 more Barbano nominees elected to Nevada Press Association Hall of Fame
Prof . Jake Highton and Guy Louis Rocha win
Carson City Nevada Appeal / 8-15-2024

4 Barbwire nominees honored, 4 to go

State election officials warn Postal Service unready

PBS News Hour interview with state association spokesperson
PBS News Hour / 9-12-2024

Letter to Postmaster General from National Assn. of Secretaries of State & State Election Directors
9/11/2024 (Unintentional Irony?)

More reasons why Nevada loves Trump's postal service torpedo Louis the Clueless DeJoyless

9/11 Amnesia Lane
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 9-11-2024

MAYDAY! Another Reno landmark in jeopardy

BARBANO TO RENO CITY HALL: E-mail to mayor, council, community
istoric 20th Century Building endangered

RENO, NV USA 2:42 a.m. PDT / 09:42 GMT 9-11-1024 —>

Dear Friends & Gentle Hearts:

My old friend, former Reno Deputy City Attorney John White, is understandably concerned about the Stevenson Street abandonment which I am advised appears on the council agenda. I have moved a brief column item in today's Tribune.

John and other professionals have used the venerable brick building behind St. Thomas Aquinas Cathedral for many years. Parking availability has slowly eroded and John has lost tenants. Further erosion threatens the viability of building operation — and its future.

The 20th Century Building is listed on state and federal historical registers and has always been a rather welcoming presence across from the riverfront behind St. Thomas Aquinasl.

You may or may not recall Stevenson Street's checkered past which has resulted in some of its current condition. In 2020, the late Karl Breckenridge wrote a long piece about it on the ThisIsReno website.* (Websearch "Reno Nevada Greyhound depot Harrah's parking garage demolition". I try to minimize URLs in e-mails as they are the first red flag for spam filters and time is not on our side this ayem.)

I'm old enough to remember the Harrah's/Greyhound brouhaha from exactly half a century ago. Turned out that Harrah's never used the old Greyhound depot site next to the eastern part of their property when they built their parking garage. So perhaps the vacant lot on Stevenson stands in mute testament to the current ambience of much of downtown, unintentional irony.

Mr. White may be hard pressed to maintain business in his building if more parking spaces are lost. I do not want to see the 20th Century Building go the way of the historic California Street homes demolished for expansion of the Lumpen Noir. (I love the Nevada Museum of Art, but did it have to be so ugly?)

Speaking of intentional homeliness, does the city have any design standards at all these days? "The Mod" high rise apartments on Stevenson fit right in with the current Reno-Sparks architectural norm: Emulation of Cold War East Berlin. And Carnaby Street "mod" went out when the Beatles arrived in 1964.

Everything old is new again. Even East Berlin is making a comeback. Just look at German follytix today.

I watch a lot of travel shows in my old age. The most interesting present communities which have retained much of their original character. Alas, Reno and Sparks have oft gone the way of Gomorrah South, demolish and fuhgeddaboutit.

An old attorney friend of mine told me years ago of a comment from a casino executive: Reno is going from being a gambling town to a town with gambling.

Matters have accelerated since.

Please ask yourselves: Do we really think East Berlin Nouveau will benefit tourism?

BTW: Is the Mod Squad** prepared to pay the city a hefty premium for the abandonment?

Your consideration is appreciated.

Be well. Raise hell. Stay safe.

Andrew Quarantino Barbano
53-year Renoite
(775) 747-0544

* Harrah's Hotel-Casino, which in 1974 controlled Reno City Hall, wanted to acquire the Greyhound Depot to build a parking garage on the site. The property acquistion was contingent upon Greyhound finding another site in the downtown area. They chose Stevenson Street, half a block away from the former Reno Gazette-Journal building and fronting the Truckee River. Ugly R Us.

** The ugly apartments on Stevenson Street across from the now-vacant site of the Greyhound Depot are named The Mod and Mod II. Tres chic, n'est-ce'pas?





RENO, NV 8-8-2024 23:50 PDT / 8-9-2024 06:50 GMT — Since 11:00 p.m. PDT 9/8, I have been monitoring northern Nevada media. Three of five major network TV stations are dark over-the-air and on Spectrum cable. KNPB TV-5 is doing fundraising. The Fox affiliate (KRXI-11) has been running a screen crawl about the Davis Creek Fire. I monitored KKKOH always-right radio and KUNR-fm (NPR). Nada.

KOLO TV-8 (ABC) has the most powerful broadcast pattern in the region and has been down since Friday evening, Sept. 7. The station's tower is located on Slide Mountain. Much of the area around Slide has had its electricity cut off due to the fire. TV-8 used to have backup generators up there, but time passes. The emergency broadcast system has apparently not been utilized. I got no information via TV, e-mail, phone or text.

UPDATE 8-9-2024 3:19 a.m. PDT —> KOLO-8, KRNV-4 (NBC) AND KTVN-2 (CBS) remain dark. KRNV/KRXI's sister station, Nevada Sports Net (KNSN-21 which often simulcasts news with 11 and 4) is up and running but carries only regular programming. Its Spectrum Cable position is Channel 7.

This is a warning as to our vulnerabilities. A few years back, a rural Oklahoma community was devastated because it was a Saturday and no human was working at its two radio stations when a tornado warning came in.

We've been warned. More in the Barbwire in Wednesday's (9/11) Sparks Tribune. Monitor NevadaLabor.com/

Be well. Raise hell. Stay safe.

Andrew Quarantino Barbano
(Via e-mail, Facebook and LinkedIn)

The above went via e-mail to major media reporters and managers as well as local community leaders. It was also uploaded to Facebook and LinkedIn.

Last gasp of white-wigged white guys
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 9-4-2024

Joyfulness replaces Dejoylessness
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 8-28-2024

FLASH! (9:41am PDT 8-26) Barbwire First Break—>Postmaster General Louis the Clueless DeJoy is expected to speak at Reno's Peppermill Hotel-Casino on Tuesday, August 27 or before 8-30

The hit man assigned to destroy the US Postal Service is skulking around Reno Nevada this week. Postmaster General Louis the Clueless DeJoyless will address a letter carriers convention betwixt now and Friday, Aug. 30. Media and public blackouts have been announced. On Aug. 26, a large crowd of postal workers and other union members rallied in front of Reno City Hall. DeJoyless has targeted accelerated erosion of northwestern Nevada and eastern California service to begin this January. Public and politician protests have been ignored. He was appointed to make the service so bad that nationwide privatization for profit will look undeniable. The Postal Board of Governors needs to fire this yayhoo NOW! Complete info on the front page of NevadaLabor.com/ Unjoy, especially the cartoon.


USPS Postmaster General Louis DeJoy to speak in Reno at postal convention

Letter carriers rally in Downtown Reno pushing for better safety measures
By Anthony Ramos / KRNV TV-4 / KRXI TV-11 / 8-26-2024



WHERE: CITY PLAZA ("BELIEVE" sculpture) 10 N. VIRGINIA ST. across from Reno City Hall, RENO NV

WHY: Support the Enough is Enough: Protect Our Letter Carriers Act (H.R. 7629/S. 4356)

Since 2020, there have been more than 2,000 crimes committed against letter carriers on the job. Many of these attacks involve a gun or another weapon. This bipartisan legislation would deter these crimes by:

• devaluing and securing key infrastructure
• increasing prosecution rates for these crimes 
• strengthening sentencing guidelines for these crimes

We hope to see you there in support of our Union-Strong Letter Carriers!

Northern Nevada Central Labor Council
1819 Hymer Ave, Sparks NV 89431

LABOR DAY / Monday 9-2-2024
Union-Proud Show 'n' Shine
Event information
Be there or be square!

Across the Universe
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 8-21-2024

2 more Barbano nominees inducted into Nevada Press Assn. Hall of Fame
Highton and Rocha win / 4 down, 4 to go
Carson City Nevada Appeal / 8-15-2024

Nonpartisan advocate for seniors prevented from running for county commission seat
By Bob Conrad / ThisIsReno.com / The Ides of August 2024
Stay tuned to the 8-21-2024 Sparks Tribune: Who really benefits

Prophets and Profits
"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read."— Groucho Marx

Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 8-14-2024

Hot August VD
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 8-7-2024

LATEST Going Postal Updates & BULLETINS

Nevada's top leaders suggest it's time for ouster of postmaster general
By Mark Robison / Reno Gazette-Journal 5-9-2024
What took 'em so long? Maybe they finally caught up with their Barbwire reading.

Editorial: Incomprehensible USPS decision will have snowball effect on Northern Nevada
Reno Gazette-Journal Sunday Editorial / 4-28-2024

USPS announces move of Reno mail-processing operations to California despite opposition
By Mark Robison / RGJ.com 4-23-2024

Thank you, Defendant T-Rump. Your postmaster general Rasputin DeJoyless is doing one helluva job. So what's next, moving up the assassination date to kill voting by mail this November? Whassamatta with Biden's new appointees to the Postal Service Board of Governors? Fire the sumbitch, already.

Breaking News & Bulletins January-July 2024

Betty J. Barbano
2-7-1941 / 12-27-2005
Remember her laughter

Larry Barbano, Frater Mei

Hope you and yours enjoy Happy High Holly Days
Feliz Navidad, próspero año y felicidad
HAPPY NEW YEAR / Feliz Año Nuevo
/ Felice Anno Nuovo
Frohe Weihnachten und beste Wuensche fuer 2025
Vaxx up, stay safe, pray for Ukraine and more than 160 other currently war-torn lands including us.

War in moderation?
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 4-13-2022

Happy High Holly Days to all
Merry Christmas/Kwanzaa/Solstice/Festivus/Chanukah/Thanksgibleting
Feliz Navidad, próspero año y felicidad

Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année !
HAPPY NEW YEAR / Feliz Año Nuevo
/ Felice Anno Nuovo
Frohe Weihnachten und beste Wuensche fuer 2025

Breaking News & Bulletins January-July 2024

Breaking News & Bulletins 2023

Breaking News & Bulletins June 2022-April 2023

Breaking News & Bulletins January-May 2022

Breaking News & Bulletins July-December 2021

Breaking News & Bulletins January-June 2021

2022 U-News Front Page Headlines

2021 U-News Front Page Headlines

Betty J. Barbano
2-7-1941 / 12-27-2005

In memoriam: 62 years ago toward a lonely road

January 16, 1959, brought the births of Debra Joyce Donlevy/Carson High '77 (1959-1978) and Donna Leslie Cline (1959-1999). Their youth was cut in twain on the same night in 1978 within the loneliness of the High Desert Outback of the American Dream. Remember them fondly.

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SITE NAVIGATION TIPS: When all else fails, read the instructions (A favorite John Hanks aphorism I've been using for decades)

Hope you and yours enjoyed Happy High Holly Days
HAPPY NEW YEAR / Feliz Año Nuevo
Frohe Weihnachten und beste Wuensche fuer 2025


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Get ahead of corporate-influenced news—>Subscribe to Barbwire Confidential

Betty J. Barbano
2-7-1941 / 12-27-2005
Remember her laughter

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