Updated 3-11-2025 GMT —>Stay tuned


Breaking News & then some—>

Teamsters Union strikes Amazon nationwide, including Reno



UPDATE 12-21-2024 GMT— Teamsters Local 533 needs strike support at the Lemmon Valley Amazon Distribution Center.

WHERE: Amazon Fulfillment RNO4, 8000 N Virginia St, Reno NV 89506
WHEN: Happening NOW and going 24/7 until called off

This is a national strike at numerous Amazon locations throughout the United States. It is an unfair labor practice strike, and all locations will be active primary picket lines.

We encourage our brothers and sisters from other unions to participate in solidarity by joining the Teamsters on the picket line. For more information, contact Ross Kinson at or 775-247-5673.

Español —>

Teamsters Local 533 Calls for Solidarity Strike at Amazon Distribution Center, Northern Nevada Central Labor Council Joins Nationwide Action

Reno, NV – December 18, 2024 – Teamsters Local 533 and the Northern Nevada Central Labor Council are calling on the Northern Nevada community to support a nationwide strike at Amazon locations throughout the United States. The strike is in response to unfair labor practices at Amazon.

Strike Details:
• Location: Amazon Fulfillment RNO4, 8000 N Virginia St., Reno NV 89506
• Start Time: Thursday, December 19 at 6:00 AM
• Duration: 24/7 until called off

This strike will see active primary picket lines at multiple Amazon locations nationwide. This is a ULP (Unfair Labor Practice) strike, as Amazon refuses to schedule time to come to the table with Teamsters to discuss a fair contract for Amazon workers. The NNCLC encourages all union members, as well as elected officials and members of the community, to stand in solidarity with the Teamsters by joining the picket line at the Lemmon Valley Amazon
Distribution Center.

For more information, contact Ross Kinson at or 775-247-5673 or Gary Watson at or 775-527-2391.


Amazon Delivery Drivers at Seven Hubs Walk Out
By Noam Scheiber and Santul Nerkar
The New York Times 12-19 digital, 12-20-2024 print edition

Teamsters Launch Largest Strike Against Amazon in American History
By Kara Deniz / International Sisterhood & Brotherhood of Teamsters 12-19-2024

Picket line set for North Valleys Amazon warehouse in support of national strike
By Bob Conrad / 12-18-2024

Amazon workers across US gear up to strike this week
By Michael Sainato / The Guardian/UK 12-17-2024

Stay tuned


Business as usual—>HOT AUGUST STRIKE!

Video/Strike 4?: Bus drivers prepare for another strike against Keolis
By Michelle Baker / 7-12-2014
UPDATE 7-15-2024: A tentative agreement has been reached, probably avoiding a strike.
Member ratification vote next week. No concessions, apparently a good deal.

Teamsters Union Local 533 Keolis 2021 Hat Trick Strike Archives

Commissar T-Rump Serves Czar RasPutin
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 1-31-2024

After Teamsters DC meeting, Trump says of possible union endorsement, "Stranger things have happened"
By Jill Kolvin & Tom Krisher / Associated Press / 1-31-2024

T-Rump raps America
Donald Trump's campaign goes hip-hop
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 12-27-2023

Teamsters picket US Foods in Golden Valley, north of downtown Reno

2:00p.m. PST Jan. 24 thru 11:00a.m Saturday Jan. 27
US Foods, 850 N. Hill Rd., Reno NV 89506
In Solidarity with Teamsters Local 705 Chicago
Read all about it.

Ben Franklin's bleary bifocals
Guest-starring Peter Sellers & The Muppets

And a true story: Song from the streets of San Francisco

Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 1-24-2024

Local Union Leaders Seek to Build Momentum off Strong 2023
By Andrew Zuker / 1-2-2024

THIS JUST IN (U-News 9-6-2023) —> Longtime Teamsters Union Local 533 leader Bill Montgomery has died. May the big guy rest in peace.
Watch for more information


Teamsters win historic contract with UPS, avoid biggest strike in U.S. history.

Trucking Giant Yellow Shuts Down Operations
By Sarah Nassauer & Paul Page • Wall Street Journal / Sunday 7-30-2023

Hot August Strikes!

7-25-2023 — Teamsters reach tentative deal with UPS. Where have we heard that one before? Oh, yeah. See July 2, hereinbelow. Stay tuned.
"It ain't over 'til it's over" — Yogi Berra

Teamsters Local 533 president hails tentative UPS agreement
Ratification vote dates not yet announced
By Bob Conrad / 7-25-2023

Current strikes by the Writers Guild, Screen Actors Guild (SAG), the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA) and at Bigbux Overpriced Coffee may be only the beginning. More nationwide work stoppages are imminent at United Parcel Service (UPS) [Teamsters]; Yellow Corp. [YRC Freight and Holland, formerly known as Yellow Freight] (Teamsters); and General Motors, Ford and/or Stellantis [Chrysler-Dodge-Fiat-Peugeot] or all of the above (United Autoworkers).
Tune up your picket sign and stay tuned. Viva Huelga!
¡Sí se puede!

Hot August Strike? AGAIN?

Northern Nevada UPS drivers hold 'practice picket' as possible strike over contract looms
By Ben Margiott / KRNV TV-4 & KXRI TV-11 / 7-6-2023

More than 1,200 Reno-area UPS employees may go on strike Aug. 1
By Bob Conrad / 7-5-2023

1997 UPS strike archive

After marathon sessions, UPS negotiations collapse 7-5-2023

Love's Labours Lost Dept.
Teamsters and UPS reach tentative agreement, diminishing national strike chances
By Julia Mueller / The Hill 7-2-2023
Sparks police acted like company strikebreakers in 1997 UPS strike
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 6-14-2023

340,000 UPS workers are voting whether to authorize a massive strike
By Vanessa Yurkevich / CNN 6-6-2023
1997 UPS strike archive

Teamsters 533 warns Austin, Texas, transportation regulators not to hire Keolis Transit
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the 6-28-2023

Teamsters 533 scores legislative victory for transit workers
By Kristen Hackbarth / This 6-4-2023

Teamsters commend governor for supporting Local 533 transit workers bill 6-1-2023

Keolis cries the blues
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 4-26-2023

Sisters and Brothers:

Teamsters Local 533 along with the three Teamsters Locals in Southern Nevada (14, 631 & 986), both Joint Councils (7 & 42) and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters are holding our 1st Teamster Nevada Legislature Day (Lobby Day), at the State Legislature in Carson City, NV on April 28, 2023, starting at 7:30a.m. A cocktail reception will be held the night before on April 27, 2023, starting at 5:30p.m. at Glen Eagles Restaurant. Our state legislators will attend both the cocktail reception and during lobby day.

All our members are invited and encouraged to attend both events. The only cost is your time and participation. Please RSVP to Lynnelle or Summer at (775) 348-6060 x 101.

We are the host local in the North and would appreciate all members who can attend to please join us.

In Solidarity,

Gary Watson, President
Teamsters Union Local 533
(775) 348-6060 ext. 104


Billy the Busboy's Superspreader Meltdown:
Embattled Bus Boss Bill Thomas is updating his resumé

The Veep and the Bus Boy
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 4-19-2023

Keolis exec busted for serious financial crimes
Pigsley accused of stealing a mere $8 million from Boston area public transit agency. Oink oink!
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 4-12-2023

Keolis Transit loses federal case it filed against Teamsters Union employee
By Bob Conrad / 3-28-2023

Michigan pushes repeal of right-to-work for less law
By David Leonhardt /The New York Times 3-10-2023

Keolis Nevada infamy spreads to France, strikes and all


Bulletins straight from the top

March 27, 2023, 7:20:41 p.m.

Gary Watson, President
Teamsters Union Local 533
(775) 348-6060 ext. 104

Brothers and Sisters,

I am pleased to announce that Keolis Transit was unsuccessful in its pursuit to overturn an arbitration award regarding Brother Michael Rowan, in U.S. District Court Judge Richard F. Boulware II, denied Keolis’ motion to vacate the award and confirmed the Union’s motion to confirm the award. Congratulations, to Brother Rowan, again! Order attached.

The Union will be filing a motion in the coming days seeking attorney fees related to Keolis’ lawsuit.

Yet again, this is further evidence Keolis spares no expense in its pursuit of abusing its workforce. It is irresponsible and should be embarrassing that RTC Washoe doesn’t do more to protect the most important aspect of public transit, its workforce.

With your help and assistance, Local 533 will continue to expose Keolis and its abusive behavior.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Please share with friends and family.

In Solidarity,

GARY WATSON, President
Teamsters Union Local 533
(775) 348-6060 ext. 104

16 Mar 2023 12:59 a.m.

Sijsters and Brothers:

Keolis and the abuses of its employees are not limited to Reno, NV. If you read this National Labor Relations Board settlement, it has identical and similar labor violations against its Virginia workforce as they had and continue to have in Reno. This is a national trend with Keolis.

What can be done to help prevent this bad behavior in the future for Reno, Sparks and Washoe County Transit? More accountability.

The Teamsters can only hold Keolis accountable to our Collective Bargaining Agreement, which expires in 15 months. We need the assistance of the RTC Washoe to hold its contractor accountable to the Public. Please demand more from Keolis, let’s prevent future transit disasters in our region.

Please let me know if you have any questions, I am always available for a discussion.

Please share with friends and family.

In Solidarity,

GARY WATSON, President
Teamsters Union Local 533
(775) 348-6060 ext. 104

Links and 3+ decades of Teamsters/RTC history may be accessed via



March 8, 2023

Sisters and Brothers:

Gary Watson, President
Teamsters Union Local 533
(775) 348-6060 ext. 104

Here is a video of Sen. Bernie Sanders' U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee's recent hearing on worker’s rights, at which Teamsters General President Sean O’Brien testified on Capitol Hill along with Liz Shuler, President of the AFL-CIO, Mary Kay Henry, President of SEIU and two union-busting sympathizers (scum).

Overall, the whole session is worth a watch. The labor movement is alive and kicking, General President O’Brien is positioning the Teamsters as a force to be reckoned with and is not going to let employers or politicians push our membership around. This cannot be accomplished without your encouragement and support.

President Shuler has a great statement regarding the authority of the National Labor Relations ACT (NLRA) where she states that you get a “bigger fine for violating fishing laws in many states than you do for busting unions”.  

When an employer violates the NLRA, the employer is only required to post a paper notice that it violated the ACT (Let that sink in a little). I enjoy fishing and hunting (I am not going to claim that I am very good at either), but if Fish and Game catches me with over the limit of fish, I will be issued a hefty fine.  Hunting illegally brings an even bigger fine. Could you imagine what would happen if a hunter/fisherman only had to do a paper posting?

The only thing Employers understand is Profit and Loss sheets. Violating the NLRA needs to have some teeth for employers, with real penalties and fines assessed, because Employers only understand one thing, MONEY, and lots of it.

If you skip to the 1:05:49 mark on the video, you will see General President O’Brien having an intense discussion with Republican Oklahoma Senator Markwayne Mullins. Keep in mind that Senator Mullins’ net worth is between $35 and $70 million. General President O’Brien is very much in tune with who our opponents are, whether they be politicians, employers or union busters. All Teamsters and trade unionists will appreciate this exchange which made major TV networks.


Please share with friends and family.

In Solidarity,

GARY WATSON, President
Teamsters Union Local 533
(775) 348-6060 ext. 104

Links and 3+ decades of Teamsters/RTC history may be accessed via

Sparks Mayor/RTC Chair: Level it and start over
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 2-22-2023

Keolis fired in Las Vegas, Virginia strikes may spread
By Bob Conrad / 2-14-2023

Virginia Transit Strike May Impact Northern Nevada
Sparks Mayor/RTC Chair supports union right to picket
By Kristen Hackbarth / 1-12-2023

Virginia workers strike — Keolis spares no expense at losing
Local 533 President: Nevada will honor Virginia pickets 1-13-2023

Keolis-19 union busters busted. Again.
Sparks Tribune 12-28-2022

Solidarity rally in support of our region's rail workers
WHEN: Tuesday, December 13, 2022 11AM-1PM
WHERE: Downtown Sparks Nevada, corner of Victorian & Pyramid
(Meet at the rail memorial park on the southwest side)



Déjà vu all over again?

Briana Lucas photo

Local 533 members during the Hat Trick Strikes of 2021



GARY WATSON, President
Teamsters Union Local 533
(775) 348-6060 ext. 104
Links and 3+ decades of Teamsters/RTC history may be accessed via


RENO, Nev. USA (Nov. 18, 2022) — Keolis Transit's abuse of workers has made strikes possible with a wide array of mass transit systems across the country including Reno and Las Vegas.

In a Nov. 17 letter to Aline Franzten, President and CEO of Keolis Transit America, Amalgamated Transit Union Associate General Counsel Christopher Bangs stated "As you know, ATU Local 689 members at Keolis’s facility in Loudoun County, Virginia, have voted overwhelmingly to authorize a strike, following months of unproductive bargaining with your negotiators.

"It is disappointing that the relationship between ATU and Keolis has deteriorated so far, but it is wholly through Keolis’s own conduct," Bangs stated, adding "Keolis has repeatedly violated federal labor law at this facility and across the country, with the NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) finding merit to ULPs (unfair labor practice charges) against Keolis in 47 separate cases since June 2020, including four here in Loudoun County.

"Keolis has stonewalled negotiations with ATU for months and Keolis has now brought us to the brink of an unnecessary strike, just like it did repeatedly in Reno, Nevada.

"This letter is to advise you that if and when our members go on strike, ATU Local 689 has the affirmative right to picket at any Keolis facility in the United States as part of our legally protected primary strike, which may include but may not be limited to Keolis’s facilities in Pomona, Reno, Las Vegas, Boston and Prince William and Rappahannock counties, Manassas, and Fredericksburg, Virginia. If Keolis would like to establish a reserve gate at any of its facilities for third parties like vendors or subcontractors, please coordinate such reserve gates with the undersigned.

"It is our sincere hope a strike will be avoided in Loudoun County. Whether that will happen depends on you."

Teamsters Union Local 533 members walked out three times in 2021 because of Keolis mismanagement of the Washoe County (Reno/Sparks) regional transit system. The union prevailed in all three "Hat Trick Strikes."

A copy of attorney Bangs' letter and the history of the Washoe transit system's relationship with the union starting in the1990s may be accessed at

Chartered in 1934, Teamsters Local 533 represents about 2,300 workers in various trades throughout northern Nevada and eastern California, including Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County/Keolis employees.


Z11/18 ATU LTR/keolis/ibt/unews/opsn22


HAT TRICK: Teamsters mass transit 3-strike wins named 2021 top story
Union "out-messaged" foreign bus management contractor
By Bob Conrad / / 12-30-2021


Taxpayers hit for more than quarter-million $ in illegal firing of Reno-Sparks transit worker
By Bob Conrad / 10-28-2022

RTC pays $107,000 to employee it fired in 2019
By Bob Conrad / 10-14-2022

Michael Joseph Guerra, 1956-2022

Reno, NV — Longtime union activist and transit operator Michael Guerra died on August 31 due to complications from Parkinson's disease. He was 65.

"Rain or shine, heat or cold, smoke or smog, Mike stood with us on the picket lines through all three 2021 transit strikes," stated Teamsters Local 533 President Gary Watson. "He was a true union warrior."

His family said his condition had deteriorated surprisingly quickly over the past few months.

A celebration of his life will be held 1:30 to 3:30 pm. Saturday, Sept. 24, at the North Valleys Community Center, 8085 Silver Lake Road in the Stead area of Reno, Nevada (89506).
Finger food and desserts will be served. Anyone wanting to add to the spread is welcome to contribute.

Michael Joseph Guerra was born on Nov. 2, 1956 in Lompoc, Calif. to Joseph Guerra and Olivia Rodriguez. He graduated from Mar Vista High School in Imperial Beach.

He is survived by his mother Olivia Rodriguez Guerra Baker, his son, Kristopher, and many cousins. He further leaves close friends Danny Vegas, Catherine Esther Gardner, union brother Joel Danforth and union family.

He was preceded in death by his grandparents Jose and Lucretia Rodriguez, his father Joseph Guerra and stepfather Harold Baker.

His career was union public transit, first in California, then Nevada.

He joined Teamsters Local 533 on May 3, 1990 and served as a union shop steward for much of that tenure while working as an RTCRide coach operator.

He enjoyed motorcycles, jazz, blues and San Diego NFL football and major league baseball.

His organs were donated to save transplant victims. His cremains were given to his mother, Olivia (Rodriguez Guerra) Baker.

A GoFundMe page has been uploaded by friends to help the family with his final expenses. The website is

Donations may be also be sent via checks or money orders payable to Mike's mother, Olivia Baker, addressed to her attention at Teamsters Local 533, 1190 Selmi Drive No. 100, Reno 89512.

More information may be obtained by contacting Joel Danforth (775) 200-6229, Cathy Gardner (386) 341-2058 or Pep Monteleon (775) 232-8473.

Personal remembrances may be posted at

Sparks Tribune / 9-28-2022

Rest in peace, brother. Your work will continue.


Teamsters protest at Sparks UPS after workers suffer from heat-related illness
By Kristen Hackbarth / 8-24-2022

Northern Nevada Central Labor Council/IBT 533 Letter to Regional Transportation Commission
August 18, 2022 / .pdf

UPS drivers push for air conditioning as temperatures soar: ‘People are dropping weekly’
Drivers report grueling toll of making hundreds of stops a day in sweltering conditions, as UPS makes record profits.
Drivers represented by the Teamsters are pushing for air conditioning in vehicles and better protections on the job.
By Michael Sainato / The Guardian / London U.K. 8-8-2022

Regional Transportation Commission Chair Jardon Resigns

Get your Wolf Pack Football tickets NOW!

I want a job at RTC


June 17 , 2022

GARY WATSON, President
Teamsters Union Local 533
(775) 348-6060 ext. 104

Links, recent archives & 3+ decades of Teamsters/RTC history at
The Regional Transportation Commission will meet at 9:00 a.m. PDT June 17 in the Washoe County Commission chambers, 9th & Wells, Reno. (Watch live or in reruns)

SORE LOSERS: Transit system loses legal actions
Taxpayers hit with hundreds of thousands in costs while rewarding chief executive

"Keolis and their mouthpiece, RTC, spare no expense at losing" — Gary Watson, Teamsters 533 President

RENO, Nev. USA (June 17, 2022)—> The besieged Washoe County mass transit system recently lost a series of very costly legal actions but continues to waste taxpayer money on hopeless vindictive appeals while rewarding incompetent management.

Gary Watson, President
Teamsters Union Local 533
(775) 348-6060 ext. 104

The cases involve workers who were victims of intentional abuse. Two were even improperly fired for using their cellular phones. Another was illegally terminated for her union activities.

Dispatcher Daleen Smothers was not only illegally fired but also barred from Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County (RTC) property and libelously blackballed when she sought other employment. On April 26, 2022, a federal arbitrator awarded Ms. Smothers $50,000 in punitive damages with additional potential interest and attorney fees.

As a union shop steward and officer, Ms. Smothers had been involved in filing more than 200 grievances on behalf of her fellow employees. She had worked for the mass transit system since 1999. Two federal arbitrators found in her favor. Her attorney Michael Langton asked for a jury trial in a related civil case accusing the RTC of "intentional interference with prospective employment."

The taxpayers now face potential exposure in that action of $200,000.00 plus legal fees.

Illegally fired dispatcher Carrie Kincaid was wrongfully terminated in 2019. A federal arbitrator ruled in her favor twice, awarding back wages and benefits totaling $116,451.82. She recently returned to her job.

CELL-PHONE ROULETTE. Last month, foreign-owned contractor Keolis Transit, which runs the Washoe County mass transit system, sued Teamsters Local 533 in federal court after the union won reinstatement plus $85,904.02 in back pay and benefits for an unjustly fired RTCRide coach operator. Earlier this year, another employee in the same situation received a decision awarding him over $112,000.00.

For-profit Keolis Transit fired both drivers for using their cell phones.

"I wonder what Keolis might say to now-retired coach operator, former union vice-president and chief shop steward George Thrower who once foiled an armed robbery in Sparks while on duty," stated Teamsters Local 533 President Gary Watson.

On June 16, another illegally terminated worker won reinstatement.

"Perhaps Keolis is still mad that we had to sue them to enforce the federal mask mandate to protect passengers and workers," the longtime labor leader added.

"This looks like the opening volley of a Keolis Transit PR campaign to get its exorbitant management contract renewed after losing all three of last year's Hat Trick Strikes," Watson said.

George Thrower on the job back in the day.
The RTC honored him for his bravery.

"At minimum, Keolis should immediately disclose to the Regional Transportation board how any costs of their spurious and scurrilous court action will be passed onto taxpayers either directly or indirectly," Watson demanded.

"Unfortunately, none of these items appear on Friday's RTC meeting agenda, just the latest of many sins of omission by RTC and its partner in passenger abuse," Watson charged.

"Transit system ridership plummeted from the day Keolis took over in July of 2019, fully eight months before the COVID-19 shutdown," Watson noted.

RTC board members were highly critical of Keolis performance at their January 21 meeting.

Sparks Mayor Ed Lawson said “We need to blow the thing up and build a better system."

Washoe County Commissioner Bob Lucey added that “we are subsidizing something that is failing. Why are we continuing to chase a broken model?” [[UPDATE: Mr. Lucey was defeated for re-election on June 14.]]

"Incredibly, RTC board members in April rewarded RTC Executive Director Bill Thomas with a huge raise on top of his already cushy six-figure salary," Watson stated.

Mr. Thomas now enjoys a total compensation package of $350,265.41 according to information provided by RTC. [1]

"That approaches the $400,000 salary of the president of the United States," Watson noted. "Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak only makes $149,573 and donates it to charity," he added. "Mr. Thomas' position comes nowhere near those levels of responsibility."

"This begs the question as to what changed between January and April to compel the board's astounding generosity.

"We urge taxpayers and passengers to contact the RTC directors because of this European corporation's demonstrable incompetence over the past three years," the longtime labor leader concluded.

Chartered in 1934, Teamsters Local 533 represents about 2,200 workers in various trades throughout northern Nevada and eastern California.
CONTACT RTC OFFICIALS / Highlight, copy and paste (Reno Mayor Hillary Schieve-NP), (Washoe County Commissioner Vaughn Hartung-R), (Reno Councilmember/RTC Chair Neoma Jardon-R), (Sparks Mayor Ed Lawson-R), (County Commissioner Bob Lucey-R), (RTC Executive Director Bill Thomas), (Mark Maloney, Operations Director), (RTC board e-mail),

RTC Washoe Contact Information — Utilize frequently

The Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County is comprised of Sparks Mayor Ed Lawson (R), Washoe County Commissioners Vaughn Hartung (R) and Bob Lucey (R); Reno Mayor Hillary Schieve (NP), Reno City Councilmember Neoma Jardon, (R), board chair. RTC board e-mail <>, (RTC Executive Director Bill Thomas),

Mayor Schieve replaced Reno City Councilmember Oscar Delgado (D) in June 2022.

           [1] Executive Director Bill Thomas annual compensation

Salary                                                             $   230,999.93
Deferred Compensation                                       16,170.00
Public Employees Retirement System                  68,722.48
Health, Dental, Life Insurance                              27,173.00
Auto allowance                                                       6,000.00
Cell phone allowance              _                             1,200.00

                  Total annual compensation     $   350.265.41

Financial information provided by RTC June 7, 2022.






BREAKING NEWS 5-24-2022 —> Longtime regional transportation commissioner and no friend of Local 533 Oscar Delgado, D, has stepped down. His replacement will be named by the Reno City Council from among four candidates on June 1, 2022. (More from the 5-25-2022 Sparks Tribune)

UPDATE—> Barbwire / Sparks Tribune /6-15-2022 Mayor Hillary Schieve replaces Delgado.

A profusion of profligacy, confusion, conjobs, collusion and
Sparks-Reno superspreadators give booby bus boss big bucks

Sparks Tribune 5-4-2022

¡Feliz cumpleaños César Chávez! / Happy Birthday, hermano!
Born 3-31-1927 / Nevada's César Chávez Day
César Chávez, spinmeisters and hatemongers
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 3-30-2022

Sexy ways to commit societal suicide
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 3-23-2022


March 21, 2022

GARY WATSON, President
Teamsters Union Local 533
(775) 348-6060 ext. 104

Links, recent archives & 3+ decades of Teamsters/RTC history at

STRIKE 4 SHUTOUT: Teamsters 40, Bus Busters ZERO

40 National Labor Relations Board Charges Settled
in Teamsters Union Favor

RENO, Nev. USA (March 21, 2022) — Go and sin no more —> and you have to confess your transgressions to your workers in writing.

So said the National Labor Relations Board, or words to that effect last week as the federal body validated the latest settlement between Teamsters Union Local 533 and foreign-owned Keolis Transit for violations of the National Labor Relations Act.

FIRE KEOLIS! —Teamsters Union members march on Reno City Hall (11-10-2021)

“This brings the total number of charges settled to 40, with more likely to follow,” stated Teamsters Local 533 President Gary Watson.

The agreement requires Keolis to post the more than two dozen findings verbatim where all employees may read them. (View the full decision at the Teamsters 533 section at

"These 40 charges, all resolved in union workers’ favor, should finally paint a clear picture of how the contractor for the Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County mismanages public transit operations," Watson added.

“This settlement agreement was obtained due to our members’ dedication and resiliency by standing strong together against adversity. The National Labor Relations Board settlement agreement includes a monetary settlement for two of our sisters who were retaliated against for honoring picket lines, among many other violations related to the three strikes of 2021,” Watson noted.

“I am incredibly grateful for my union," stated union member Rachel Drum.

"They have diligently protected me against the retaliation of Keolis Transit which tried to coerce and intimidate me to cross the picket line. I refused and was subsequently terminated,” she added.
Sister Drum will be returning to the job shortly, recouping all back wages and benefits.

Numerous labor violations were committed specifically against female workers.

“It is appalling and unacceptable for anyone to be subject to such draconian treatment by Keolis," Watson asserted.

"Workers deserve safe working conditions free from harassment. This settlement is a victory for all our members,” he added.

“The appointed commissioners of RTC WashoeNeoma Jardon, Oscar Delgado, Bob Lucey, Vaughn Hartung and Ed Lawson — allowed their Executive Director, Bill Thomas, to explicitly state during the strikes that Keolis was bargaining in good faith, while the Teamsters were not,“ Watson said. [CONTACT INFO] [LAWSON: Burn it down and start over]

“Those commissioners should demand that Mr. Thomas publicly denounce Keolis’ actions and should offer the passengers, our community and our members a public apology. Additionally, they should retract their endorsement of Keolis and put safeguards in place to protect our workers in public transit,” Watson stated.

Last year, an independent audit found Keolis past due on pension fund contributions dating as far back as 2019. The money has still not been paid. This came on top of an independent arbitrator's finding that Keolis failed to enforce COVID-19 masking mandates which are still in effect. Keolis and elected officials have taken no action despite two years of smoking gun violations.

HEART OF THE UNION. Logan Lansborough, now 11, became the poster child of the 2021 Hat Trick Strikes which the union won to national acclaim last year. He has no lower legs due to a genetic flaw but nonetheless took to his wheelchair and joined his father, Michael, on downtown Reno picket lines. (Photos at the front page of

The Lansboroughs had little time to savor their union's victories.

RTCRide transit operator Michael underwent successful heart surgery earlier this year. He is the sole support of his family and will not be cleared to return to work for weeks if not months.
A GoFundMe page has been set up by friends

Those who would like to help by mail may make checks or money orders payable to Michael Lansborough and send to his attention at Teamsters Local 533, 1190 Selmi Drive, Suite 100, Reno NV 89512.

Chartered in 1934, Teamsters Local 533 represents about 2,300 workers in various trades throughout northern Nevada and eastern California, including about 200 RTC/Keolis employees. For more information, go to

BLASTS FROM THE PAST — The Barbwire never forgets: The Washoe County Commission will consider a raft of voting "reforms" at its March 22 meeting. The Nye County Commission recently passed similar requirements, several of likewise questionable legality. Both would require a return to old-fashioned handwritten ballots. Read about two legendary Nye County paper ballot boondoggles at and in Wednesday's Sparks Tribune. Also: How to skulduggerously impact a handwritten ballot recount.

Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it.

And don't forget to check your local voter registration.


March 17, 2022

GARY WATSON, President
Teamsters Union Local 533
(775) 348-6060 ext. 104

Links, recent archives & 3+ decades of Teamsters/RTC history at

Workers win, abusive contractor loses. Again.

40 National Labor Relations Board Charges Settled
in Teamsters Union Favor

RENO, Nev. USA (March 17, 2022) — Keolis Transit has come to terms and settled 17 additional labor charges with Teamsters 533 for violations of the National Labor Relations Act.

“This brings the total number of charges settled to 40, with more likely to follow,” stated Teamsters Local 533 President Gary Watson.

Gary Watson, President
Teamsters Union Local 533
(775) 348-6060 ext. 104

These 40 charges, all resolved in the union workers’ favor, should finally paint a clear picture of how the contractor for the Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County mismanages public transit operations.

“This settlement agreement was obtained due to our members’ dedication and resiliency by standing strong together against adversity. The National Labor Relations Board Settlement agreement details a monetary settlement for two of our sisters who were retaliated against for honoring the picket line, among many other violations related to the three strikes in 2021,” said Watson.

“I am incredibly grateful for my union," stated union member Rachel Drum.

"They have diligently protected me against the retaliation of Keolis Transit which tried to coerce and intimidate me to cross the picket line. I refused and was subsequently terminated,” she added.

Sister Drum will be returning to the job shortly, recouping all back wages and benefits.

Numerous labor violations were committed specifically against female workers.

“It is appalling and unacceptable for anyone to be subject to such draconian treatment by Keolis," Watson asserted.

"Workers deserve safe working conditions free from harassment. This settlement is a victory for all our members,” he added.

“The appointed commissioners of RTC WashoeNeoma Jardon, Oscar Delgado, Bob Lucey, Vaughn Hartung and Ed Lawson — allowed their Executive Director, Bill Thomas, to explicitly state during the strikes that Keolis was bargaining in good faith, while the Teamsters were not,“ Watson said. [CONTACT INFO] [LAWSON: Burn it down and start over]

“Those commissioners should demand that Mr. Thomas publicly denounce Keolis’ actions and should offer the passengers, our community and our members a public apology. Additionally, they should retract their endorsement of Keolis and put safeguards in place to protect our workers in public transit,” Watson stated.

Chartered in 1934, Teamsters Local 533 represents about 2,300 workers in various trades throughout northern Nevada and
eastern California, including about 200 RTC/Keolis employees. For more information, go to


Helping a Teamsters family in their time of need: Good News!

David Toll: Compleatly Nevadian
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 2-23-2022

New Teamsters General President Sean O’Brien comments about Reno Hat Trick Strikes vs. Keolis-19
By Jonathan Soroff / Boston Magazine / 2-8-2022

Dirty deeds done dirt cheap: Workers stiffed for $250,000 for two years
Washoe bus system mismanager owes Teamsters pension fund big time
Smoking Guns

Treasure the age of the republic's wane
We carry on with business as usual as we treasure the remaining time in our democracy's decline.
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 2-2-2022

Up your UPS in Sparks

Demonstrations at UPS Sparks

Teamsters demonstrate in Nevada & California
Interview with Local 533 CEO Debbie Calkins
KRNV TV-4 & KRXI TV-11 / 1-27-2022
KTVN TV-2 video

Debbie Calkins
Secretary-Treasurer & Principal Officer
First woman to head the union

Teamsters protest potential pay cut for UPS part-timers
Lotsa photos + audio / 1-28-2022

Actions across Northern California and Nevada protest UPS pay cut move
Teamsters Joint Council 7 / 1-27-2022

Teamsters Local 533 will hold a day of action in support of our Teamster membership working at United Parcel Service (UPS). This action will take place at all UPS facilities in Northern California and Northern Nevada, in peaceful support of our members who just recently were forced to take a massive pay reduction while United Parcel Service has been raking in billions of quarterly profits. (See above.)

Times: 8:30am to 10am & 4pm to 6pm
Date: January 27, 2022
Location: UPS Facility – 45 Vista Blvd. Suite 102, Sparks NV 89434

For more information contact
Teamsters 533 CEO Debbie Calkins (775) 348-6060 ext. 105
Business Agent Ross Kinson (775) 348-6060 ext. 106 Teamsters Local 533 War Room
including complete local coverage of 1997 UPS national strike

Rittenhouse in Reno & rationality in Sparks?
RTC commissioners agree with Teamsters — Will wonders never cease?!
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 1-26-2022

Transportation commissioners blast their own transit system
By Bob Conrad / 1-21-2022

Arbitrator finds Keolis violated union agreement by failing to enforce masks on buses
By Bob Conrad / 1-18-2022

Greenpeace graphic. Thanks.

Found guilty, foreign-owned RTCWashoe bus system contractor still refuses to enforce mask mandates
BUSINESS AS USUAL: Regional Transportation Commission meets today to "approve safety management plan" while jam-packed buses continue as COVID-19 superspreader

CHRIS FUQUA, Vice-President
Teamsters Union Local 533
(775) 348-6060 ext. 103

Links, references, supporting documents, recent archives & 3+ decades of Teamsters/RTC history at

RENO, Nev. USA (January 21, 2022) — "Our collapsing bus system is collapsing around its passengers and workers, crushing them with COVID," Teamsters Local 533 Vice-President Chris Fuqua will tell Regional Transportation Commissioners on Friday morning.

"We have beaten the commission's for-profit foreign contractor on the streets, winning the three Hat Trick Strikes of 2021," Fuqua says.

"This week, we again beat them before federal regulators who found in favor of the workers on 17 counts with 17 more to go," he added.

"Most important, federal arbitrator Stephen Hayford ordered France-based contractor Keolis Transit to “take whatever steps are necessary to ensure going forward that when a bargaining unit Coach Operator reports the presence of an unmasked passenger on his/her bus to RTC Dispatch, the passenger is promptly intercepted and engaged by a Keolis supervisor, management official or Security official. Keolis is further directed to make certain that when that encounter transpires and a non-exempt passenger continues to refuse to wear a mask while on the bus, the passenger is removed from the bus.”

“Just that situation happened this week to our member Chastity Lockridge, a longtime bus operator. The passenger was not removed and Ms. Lockridge is now on sick leave with COVID-19,” Fuqua charged.

In an identical situation last year in Los Angeles, Keolis fired an immuno-suppressed African-American driver on from chemotherapy because she told a passenger to don a mask.

"Turning the transit system into a superspreader could have largely been avoided had not Regional Transportation System of Washoe County Executive Director Bill Thomas secretly and unilaterally waived all cash performance penalties starting in March of 2020. Keolis could thus operate with impunity and they continue to do so, endangering the public,” Fuqua said.

"Subcontracting of critically needed public services needs serious review," the labor leader added. [UPDATE: Wonder of wondersRTC commissioners agree. Finally.]

"The current pass-the-buck system is good for only one thing: nothing is ever anyone's fault or responsibility," Fuqua stated.

“No one will accept responsibility at Friday’s meeting of the five elected RTC commissioners,” Fuqua said.

The meeting begins at 9:00 a.m. PST at the RTC Administrative Building, 1105 Terminal Way, first floor Reno 89502. Masks are apparently required. It will also be streamed live at

“Those who are able should try to speak in person, as online statements are not read at meetings,” Fuqua said. “Anyone without an underlying condition who is vaccinated, boosted and double-masked should consider attending.”

HELP AN AILING DRIVER: Longtime union member and transit operator Michael Lansborough is away from work and facing major surgery to save his life. He and his 10 year-old son, Logan, helped man union picket lines during the Hat Trick Strikes. Logan did it from his wheelchair, as he has no lower legs due to a genetic affliction. (Photos on the front page of

A GoFundMe page has been set up to help the family. Please consider donation via or at the front page of Checks or money orders, payable to Michael Lansborough, may be sent to his attention at Teamsters Local 533, 1190 Selmi Drive, Suite 100, Reno NV 89512. (Thank you.)

Chartered in 1934, Teamsters Local 533 represents about 2,200 workers in various trades throughout northern Nevada and eastern California.

RTC Washoe Contact Information — Utilize frequently

The Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County is comprised of Sparks Mayor Ed Lawson (R), Washoe County Commissioners Vaughn Hartung (R) and Bob Lucey (R); Reno City Councilmember Neoma Jardon, (R), board chair. RTC board e-mail <>, (RTC Executive Director Bill Thomas),

HIGHLIGHT, COPY AND PASTE (Reno Mayor Hillary Schieve-NP), (Washoe County Commissioner Vaughn Hartung-R), (Reno Councilmember/RTC Chair Neoma Jardon-R), (Sparks Mayor Ed Lawson-R), (County Commissioner Bob Lucey-R), (RTC Executive Director Bill Thomas), (RTC board e-mail),

Mayor Schieve replaced Reno City Councilmember Oscar Delgado (D) in June 2022.





Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 1-5-2022

Happy High Holly Days to all
Merry Christmas/Kwanzaa/Solstice/Festivus/Chanukah/Thanksgibleting
Feliz Navidad, próspero año y felicidad

Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année !
HAPPY NEW YEAR / Feliz Año Nuevo
/ Felice Anno Nuovo
Frohe Weihnachten und beste Wuensche fuer 2022 LOCAL 533 ARCHIVES

Teamsters Local 533 KEOLIS-19 War Room Archive July-December 2021
The Hat Trick Strikes of 2021
Teamsters 533 Hot August Strike & Striketober 2021 ARCHIVE

Teamsters Local 533 KEOLIS-19 War Room Archive Jan. 2020 thru July 2021
(Includes 2017-2019)

Teamsters 2014-2016 ARCHIVE

Teamsters 2011-2013 ARCHIVE

Teamsters 2010

Teamsters 2009

2008-09 Teamsters RTC/Ride negotiations
Links to 16-year Teamsters 533 news-photo-strike archives starting with the 1997 UPS strike

Teamsters 2008

Teamsters 2006

Teamsters 2005

Teamsters 2004 Strike Archive

2002 RTC Transit Strike Archive

Top of Page




Strike '04 | U-News | Bulletins + Almanac
Casinos Out of Politics (COP) | Sen. Joe Neal
Guinn Watch | Deciding Factors
| BallotBoxing.US | Barbwire Oilogopoly Archive
Barbwire Nevada Corporate Welfare Archive
Annual César Chávez Celebration

War Rooms: Banks, Cabbies, Cabela's, Cable TV/Telecom, Cancer Kids/Mining, Energy,
Health Care, Resurge.TV/consumers, Starbucks, Wal-Mart
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