Breaking News & then some—>Updated 8-17-2024 GMT

Nonpartisan advocate for seniors prevented from running for county commission seat
By Bob Conrad / / The Ides of August 2024
Stay tuned to the Barbwire in the the Sparks Tribune: Who really benefits


Date: 2024-08-06 17:59
To: Aaron Ford <>,
Cc: Marsy Kupfersmith <>

Dear Mr. Attorney General:

My friend Marsela Kupfersmith is a non-partisan candidate for Washoe County Commission District 4, which covers the eastern portion of Sparks.
Her petition of candidacy is now in its third month of limbo. I have inquired of Washoe County government as to the legally mandated deadline for sending ballot information to printer/mailers. It needs a rather lengthy lead time as I recall.
You will find a detailed background on her situation at
Hereinbelow, you will find the letter to you which she composed today. Attorney John White and I have read it, but it appears here exactly as she wrote it.
Your attention will be appreciated.

Andrew Barbano
(775) 747-0544

I registered as a nonpartisan candidate for the office of Washoe County Commissioner - District 4. I submitted 114 signatures to the Registrar of Voters in Washoe County on June 6, 2024 to see if I qualify to get on the general ballot. After not hearing for over a week, I followed up with both the Registrar of Voters and Secretary of State.
I finally received an email on June 24, 2024 from the Registrar of Voters with an attachment from the Secretary of State indicating insufficient amount of signatures. Of the 114 signatures I submitted, 24 were disallowed, and no reason was indicated.
On June 24, 2024, I sent an email to the Secretary of State requesting the names of the 24 disallowed so that I may try and cure them. On June 25, 2024, I received an email from the Secretary of State's office with a highlighted statute should I choose to appeal and that I only had three days to file the appeal. Still no list of the 24 names was provided.
On June 26, 2024 I sent an email to the Registrar of Voters once again asking for the list of 24 names. On June 28, 2024 (the last day to appeal) I received an email late that afternoon from the Registrar of Voters' office with an attachment indicating why 19 of the 24 names were disallowed but still not indicating the 24 names. There were 5 names disallowed that no reason was indicated.
I reached out to an attorney to file the appeal based on the attachment I received indicating only 4 names were not in my district. It was not until July 2, 2024 that I received the actual list of 114 names I initially submitted with reasons indicated for the 19 names that were disallowed. Still no indication why 5 of those 24 names were disallowed.
While reviewing this list with my attorney, we noticed a discrepancy in what the Registrar of Voters and Secretary of State had certified. We counted 10 names out of my district and not 4. We counted 5 illegible signatures and not 11 as was indicated.
On July 3, 2024 we appeared in the Second Judicial District Court to hear my appeal which was the court indicated in the highlighted statute in the email provided by the Secretary of State's office. We were informed by the Judge that the appeal did not belong in this court and should be filed with the Secretary of State. Fortunately, we had filed with the Secretary of State on July 1, 2024. It is now August 6, 2024, and we have heard nothing from the Secretary of State.
I am running out of time to find out if I am on the general ballot. It just does not seem possible that it is taking over a month for the Secretary of State to review the appeal and list of names.
I would hope that the Attorney General's office would look into this matter immediately.
Thank you,
Marsy Kupfersmith
Candidate for Washoe County Commissioner - District 4
(775) 851-2954
Cell (775) 636-4376

bcc (personal e-mails) Christine Jones Brady, Second Assistant Attorney General
Teresa Benitez-Thompson, Chief of Staff

cc: John Aaron White, Kupersmith attorney of record
Lonnie L. Feemster, Reno-Sparks NAACP
Wendy Colborne, Northern Nevada Central Labor Council/AFL-CIO
Eric Dahlberg and Kayla Anderson, Sparks Tribune
Peggy Santoro and Mark Robison, Reno Gazette-Journal
Ed Pearce, KOLO-8
Ben Margiott, Alisabeth Mitchell KRNV-4/KRXI-11
Jason Pasco, Arianna Bennett, KTVN-2
Mrs. Kupfersmith and Mr. White



Secretary of State Cisco Aguilar Have You Met Marsy Kupfersmith?
Picon Press / 8-5-2024

Nevada secretary of state warns of 'rogue' commissioners ahead of 2024 general election
By Mark Robison / Reno Gazette-Journal 8-2-2024

Marsy in LawLawLand

FROM Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 7-17-2024

SPEAKING OF JUDGES. With the only Democrat and one other non-partisan dropping out, only non-partisan senior housing activist Marsela "Marsy" Kupfersmith (pronounced "cooper-smith") remains to oppose appointed Washoe County Commissioner Clara Andriola this November. She represents most of Sparks from downtown to the eastern county line and northward past Spanish Springs to Pebble Creek.

On July 3, Kupfersmith challenged the disqualification of her nominating petition in court where it awaits a decision by Washoe District Judge Kathleen Drakulich. Her honor may punt the issue to Nevada Secretary of State and chief elections officer Francisco Aguilar. Stay tuned.

UPDATE: Indeed, earlier this week, the judge bounced it to the SOS and/or Carson City District Court. Stay tuned.

Clara Andriola drinks the moonhowler Kool-Aid.
In unprecedented move, Washoe commission votes against certifying recount results. "Uncharted water"

Editorial: County Commissioner Clara Andriola’s flip-flops
By Kristen Hackbarth and Bob Conrad / 7-14-2024
Warning: Harsh language hereinabove! report
Reno Gazette-Journal report
KRNV TV-4 / KRXI Fox-11 report

Update: Republicans Andriola and Clark finally sided with the law and exercised their ministerial duty to certify the election on July 16.
Only consistent outlyer Commissioner Jeanne Herman continued to vote against.
November thus remains a serious question mark in the post-rule of law era.

Happy Interdependence Day!

BREAKING NEWS—>Update 2:42 p.m. PDT July 4/ 21:42 GMT July 4 / Stay tuned!

Secretary of State reviewing candidate signatures after registrar of voters refused to explain why they were deficient
By Dr. Bob Conrad / 7-4-2024
Judge Kathleen Drakulich on Wednesday afternoon took the case under advisement.

—>Hearing set in Washoe District Court 2:30 p.m. PDT Wednesday, July 3 / STAY TUNED


Subject: Kupfersmith challenge in court this afternoon
Date: 2024-07-03 11:58 a.m. PDT
To: News <>

Dear Scurrilous Liberal Fake News Media Types (You KNOW who you are!):

Non-partisan Washoe County Commission District 4 candidate Marsela "Marsy" Kupfersmith appealed the disqualification of her petition of candidacy last Friday.

Only within the last hour — with a court appearance scheduled at 2:30 this afternoon in front of Washoe District Judge Kathleen Drakulich — have our prestigious public servants responded —>With scorched earth animosity.

Today, they wrote a book — wasting taxpayer resources — when a little prompt attention could have avoided all this.

The Washoe County Registrar of Voters and the Secretary of State STONEWALLED numerous requests for information for most of June. Marsy, 68, Nevada's 2020 Senior Citizen of the Year was finally notified of the no-go on June 24, with a drop-dead deadline for appeal of Friday June 28.

Top gun lawyer John White, whom I contacted in the early afternoon, and his staff performed heroically. filing the appeal with minutes to spare last Friday.

Mrs. Kupfersmith was NEVER informed of purported deficiencies in her petition filing until a curt e-mailed "no-go" on June 24. Documents obtained since show that the decision was made on or about June 17. The Secretary of State was notified but not the candidate — until a full week had passed.

What's wrong with this picture?

She and her attorney did not receive the documents which officialdom had withheld for almost a month UNTIL YESTERDAY, July 2.

She and her attorney thus had no time to review disapprovals and questionable disqualifications until late yesterday, July 2. (As comedian Jay Leno once told Reno's KOZZ Radio, "sleep is for wimps.") Marsy et al. resemble that remark.

Under the law of Marsy's appeal of last Friday, a judge was required to hold a hearing within five days. Today is day 3. You know what days 4 and 5 happen to be this week.

All this despite what lawyers call egregious dilatory conduct — and wholesale breach of the State Public Records Law. Nevada law allows both written and oral requests for public records. [NRS 239.0107(1)] Officialdom ignored both and today seeks to prevail by enjoying the fruit of their poisonous tree.

They have violated the public records law with arbitrary, capricious and non-expert signature disqualification.

Their foot-dragging conduct also also infringes on the First Amendment right to petition your government of both Marsy and her petition signators.

A Nevada government agency must respond in writing to records requests by not later than the end of the fifth business day after the request is received. NRS 239.0107(1) That clock stopped ticking long before they finally did something YESTERDAY afternoon.

My dear friend Marsy's qualifications, based on two decades of public service, dwarf those of either of the other two candidates. See

If she's going to go down against the system today, Marsy and all her friends, including me, will go down fighting.


Andrew Barbano
(775) 786-1455

ps: PRONUNCIATION NOTE: Marsy's last name is pronounced "Coopersmith".
pps: Neither the candidate nor her attorney reviewed or approved any of the above. Right now, I am just one irate lone wolf senior citizen enjoying an enervating bout of righteous rage on a hot day. The moonhowlers must not prevail.
pps: The only other candidates in the race are appointed Republican incumbent Clara Andriola, who prevailed in a divisive party primary, and an unknown non-partisan.



UPDATE 7-3-2024 GMT: major story: Registrar of Voters and Secretary of State won't tell candidate why her signatures are invalid
Officials hide behind lawyers

UPDATE 7-2-2024 GMT: Volunteers are streaming in (thank you!) and Secretary of State Aguilar has requested a bill of particulars. Mrs. Kupfersmith met with attorney John White on Monday afternoon.


Marsy Kupfersmith <> (775) 636-4376
Andrew Barbano <> (775) 786-1455
PRONUNCIATION NOTE: Marsy's name is pronounced "Cooper-Smith".

Nevada's 2020 Senior Citizen of the Year defends certification

Sparks/Reno, Nev. (7-1-2024) — Nevada's 2020 Senior Citizen of the Year, Marsela "Marsy" Kupfersmith, on Friday filed an action in Washoe District Court appealing her disqualification as a non-partisan candidate for Washoe County Commission District 4.

"I asked both Secretary of State Francisco Aguilar and Washoe County Interim Registrar of Voters Cari-Ann Burgess for information and received nothing upon which I could correct deficiencies, as is my right," the longtime community and senior housing activist stated.

"I certainly understand that they are extremely busy and understaffed, but I could not attempt to cure purported petition deficiencies without information as to what they are. I filed 114 signatures, 14 above the legal threshold. Officials disqualified 24. I need to know which 24 and why they were disallowed rather than nebulous reasons like 'illegible signatures'.

"Exactly which ones? The signatures were obtained by myself, my husband and a few close friends. As a group, we personally knew almost all the signators.

"I have thus demanded that the court order that I receive the information about the nuked Double Dozen. I have also requested enough time to review and hopefully cure deficiencies to reverse this highly questionable disqualification," she added.

"I retained counsel after my repeated requests for information were ignored. To do otherwise would have been very unfair and disappointing to my petition signers and campaign volunteers," she added.

Mrs. Kupfersmith's filing, prepared by longtime Nevada top gun attorney John Aaron White Jr., asserts that Secretary Aguilar's "notice of insufficiency" failed to specify which signatures were invalidated and the reasons for their invalidation."

The document raises issues under the U.S. and Nevada constitutions as well as Nevada statutes.

The complete filing, including exhibits and additional information, may be obtained via the front page of The campaign website was close to launch but she suspended operations pending this appeal.

"I have been a senior advocate for many years. That's taught me that you can only do so much from the outside looking in. Many needs must be addressed and elections matter.

"I thus confidently assert that I have a base in the community which surpasses either of my two younger opponents.

"As a county commissioner, I will propose rezoning of vacant buildings from commercial to residential. We could then create desperately needed affordable senior housing and hundreds of jobs in the process. And that will only be the first volley.

"It's time to get creative. Adequate affordable housing has been twisted in political thickets for far too long. People are suffering," she noted.

Mrs. Kupfersmith, 68, serves as secretary of the Senior Coalition of Washoe County and has long been an activist member of the Nevada Housing Coalition

She was named 2020 Nevada Senior Citizen of the Year by the Foundation Assisting Seniors. In recognition of her many contributions, the Washoe County Commission proclaimed December 14, 2021 as Marsy Kupfersmith Day. Republican Commissioner Jeanne Herman served on that 2021 body, as did current chair, Democrat Alexis Hill

Marsy additionally serves as president of Senior Rescue ("SeniorRESQ"), a non-profit formed to offer rental assistance to seniors and veterans unable to afford this area's ever-increasing rent increases. For the past several years, she has been very involved organizing and promoting Senior Day at the Nevada Legislature.

Marsy was a legal secretary for 30 years. She and her husband of 46 years, Steve, retired to Nevada in 2004. He worked as a union musician and Teamsters member. Marsy has often volunteered her time to work on Nevada's Annual César Chávez Celebration.

Her candidacy was recently endorsed by a major international labor organization, the Western States Regional Council of Carpenters. The Council has jurisdiction statewide, including Carpenters Local 971 in northern Nevada.

Executive Secretary-Treasurer Frank Hawk noted that after careful review of her qualifications, they "feel you best exemplify the ideals and understand the issues that concern the working men and women we represent."

In 2018, taking note of her activism, City of Sparks officials asked her to re-establish what is now the Sparks Senior Citizens Advisory Committee. She recently stepped down as chair in light of the time demands of her candidacy and her other community obligations. She is also a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Sparks Post 3396 Auxiliary and attended the organization's early June statewide convention in Sparks.

Commission District 4 begins at Reno's Hidden Valley to the south, then north thru Sparks from downtown, east to the Storey County line and northward to the D'Andrea, Wingfield Springs and Spanish Springs areas, stopping near Pebble Creek. Voter registration is split between the two major parties and non-partisans.

The seat is currently held by appointed Commissioner Clara Andriola who prevailed in the divisive Republican primary. A lone Democrat withdrew. The only other candidate is a second non-partisan.



1. Notice of Insufficiency from Secretary of State

2. Statement of Marsy Kupfersmith

3. June 24 first notice of insufficiency and request for documentation

4. June 28 memo from Registrar's office by George Guthrie

Marsy, center, volunteering at one of many senior events

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