NAVIGATION TIPS: When all else fails, read
the instructions (A
favorite John Hanks aphorism
I've been using for decades)
Suis Charlie
republic and its press will rise or fall together."
— Joseph Pulitzer
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"The most painful state of being is remembering the future, particularly the one you'll never have." — Kierkegaard |
Pitchforks, torches, mensches, tar & feathers
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 11-3-2021 / Updated 11-4 & 11-9-2021 GMT / Expansions in blueBREAKING NEWS: Am I psychic or what? The following column, which I sent to the newspaper on Monday, Nov. 1, accurately predicted that someone would want to give a vacant Nevada Senate seat to a seat-warmer. Faith & begorrah, Washoe County Commission Chairman Bob Lucey advocated exactly that on TV-4/TV-11 the very next day, Tuesday, Nov. 2, in an interview with reporter Ben Margiott.
Mr. Lucey said he favors a "placeholder until the 2022 election" as Washoe County's next state senator. Huh? A placeholder is somebody who takes your place in line to get concert tickets.
This isn't a buffet line and Nevada doesn't need a placeholder. We need a senator. A placeholder who has sworn not to seek election has no accountability to the public for the next year and will never have to face the voters. The new senator will have to hit the ground running not only at the imminent special session but also by serving on important interim committees which will require participation in, and reporting to, the 2023 legislative session.
It is a sophistry upon the public to assert that whomever is chosen must commit to not seek election to a full term next year. That's a constitutional right and constitutional rights cannot be waived just to become a placeholder. It's rather morally obtuse to promise to waive a constitutional right when you can't be legally bound by the promise anyway.
Placeholders need not apply. Now to my Monday prediction and more important matters facing 10 public officials, from today's Sparks Tribune:
Moonhowlers on Steroids