Updated 8 October 2014
cuts health benefits for some part-timers
Associated Press 10-7-2014 Triangle
Shirtwaist inferno redux a century down the road: 3-25-1911: New York Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire kills 146, including 132 girls Hope
you enjoyed a happy Thanksgibleting. TWO RENO WAL-MART BLACK FRIDAY DEMONSTRATIONS
files charges against UFCW, Black Friday strike still on The
Twinkie Defense UFCW
settles with Raley's. Contrary to Raley's PR, this was not their first
six years of lies and denials, Wal-Mart finally announces Reno Northtowne
closure From the New York Times of Jan. 13, 2004. Here's the most chilling quote from the above : "Verette Richardson, a former Wal-Mart cashier in Kansas City, Mo., said it was sometimes so hard to get a break that some cashiers urinated on themselves. Bella Blaubergs, a diabetic who worked at a Wal-Mart in Washington State, said she sometimes nearly fainted from low blood sugar because managers often would not give breaks." AARGH! The same Reno judge (Steve Kosach) who stuck northwest Reno with K-Mart overruled the city council and plunked a Wal-Mart SuperBox a mile away; citizens are livid. Angry Renoites blast Judge Kosach's Wal-Mart decision Judge promises rapid decision on northwest Reno Wal-Mart superstore Wal-Mart contributes to Carson City fiscal woes Man dies under custody of Las Vegas Wal-Mart guards Public demand causes KNPB TV-5 to re-air "Store Wars When Wal Mart Comes to Town" Wal-Mart hit with largest sex discrimination class action suit in U.S. history Wal-Mart makes S. Nevada Interfaith Council for Worker Justice employer book of shame CAPITAL BIG BOX BRAWL -- CARSON CITY ACTIVISTS FILE INITIATIVE PETITION TO SAVE FUJI PARK, ASK FOR HELP 6-15-2001 Hello Mr. Barbano: Yesterday, we, The Concerned Citizens for Fuji Park and Fairgrounds, filed an Initiative Petition with the Carson City Clerk's office. The wording of the Initiative Petition is, "The People of the City of Carson City, State of Nevada, do enact as follows: That Fuji Park and Carson City Fairgrounds (Carson City APN 9-303-2, 3, 5, & 7; Douglas County APN 13-210-01) be maintained and improved in not less than its present size as a park in perpetuity." We have six months to collect signatures from only registered Carson City voters. Then it goes to the Supervisors who have 60 days to enact or reject the proposed ordinance with no change in language. If they fail to adopt it, then the ordinance goes to the voters in the next general election, which is Nov., 2002. This petition can be signed any Tuesday, from 11am to 1 pm, in front of Carson City Hall where we protest. People are welcome to join our protest. We will have a booth (#191) at the Mills Park Pavilion at the city-wide garage sale June 23, where people can sign, buy "Save Fuji Park & Fairgrounds" shirts, bumper stickers, or give contributions. We will have other signup stations; I will keep you posted. If you know of any groups that we can contact, to speak to and take their signatures, please let me know. Thank you for your help. (775) 882-7599 UPDATE Fuji ballot demand petitions filed. Supervisors unsure what to do next. WAL- MART IN RENO COURT AND ON NATIONWIDE TELEVISION EXPOSÉ
WAL-MART WHINES (June 10, 2001) -- Tomorrow, the City of Reno is due to file a response to Wal-Mart's lawsuit. The world's largest retailer wants Judge Steve Kosach to overturn the Reno City Council's November, 2000, 5-2 denial of a superstore in northwest Reno. (Story below, links at right.) A t 2:00 a.m. PDT this Tuesday, KNPB TV-5 will air "Store Wars -- When Wal-Mart Comes to Town," a real-life late night horror movie. Set your VCR's and call (775) 784-4555 to lobby the station to re-air it at a more opportune time for northern Nevada and eastern California viewers. Ask for Pat Miller or Barbara Harmon. The program will be cablecast on Cox Cable 10 in Las Vegas at 2:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. PDT, also on this coming Tuesday, June 12. KLVX TV-10 does not broadcast over the air from midnight until 6:00 a.m. but the national PBS network feed is picked up by Cox Cable in the wee hours. To request rebroadcast at KLVX in LV, contact Lee Winston at (702) 799-1010. WAL-MART EXPANDING THROUGHOUT NEVADA TO: Anyone opposed to the export of U.S. jobs to the likes of Communist China The following describes a chronic local problem and an increasingly familiar international one another lament on the legendary depredations of Wal-Mart. America is now about halfway into what may be termed
a home economics version of drug addiction. The great majority of households still earn below
what families did in 1973, the all-time benchmark year of the first Arab
Oil Embargo. (Energy crisis? What
else is new?)
Follow the bouncing ball:
If you and your family feel increasingly tired and frustrated from working more and more hours (and paying higher taxes on your earnings), you're not alone. If you are subject to an occasional vague, dull, growing anger because you can't seem to get ahead, you've got good reason. You're being sold out by those who are selling to you in that sense, there's no difference between pro-WTO/NAFTA/GATT politicians and Wal-Mart itself. Everybody's rolling back prices on the wages of American workers. Here's one chance to FIGHT BACK while the major-party apostles of job export wrangle over who gets to manage the next four years' worth. THE BATTLE AGAINST WAL-MART IN NORTHWEST RENO THINK GLOBALLY, ACT LOCALLY The Reno City Council will finally decide whether or not northwest Reno gets stuck with a Wal-Mart big box superstore. Show up at Reno City Hall on Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2000, at 6:00 p.m. PST. If you can't make it, tune in Sierra Nevada Community Access Television for live play-by-play and later rebroadcasts.
CALL, WRITE, TELL A FRIEND. If you have time, please call or write the Reno City Council and tell them to turn thumbs down on Wally World. They already have ample evidence on the record which will stand up in court. Just the increased traffic alone is grounds to kill this alien like Sigourney Weaver in a bad mood. CLICK HERE to access hot links to Reno City Hall e-mail addresses and phone/fax numbers. DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF THIS MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR CORPORATE BEHEMOTH. Wal-Mart has been stuffing bags with solicitations and pushing employees to show up and sing their corporate praises. The links above tell a quite different story. DON'T UNDERESTIMATE YOUR OWN POWER. Please attend and make your feelings known. There will be a winner and there won't be any recounts. Be well. Raise hell.
Northwest Reno advocate Mike Tracy gets the Reno City Council to back down and allow public input at final hearing on northwest Reno Wal-Mart bigbox superstore RENO (Nov. 27, 2000) Northwest Reno activist Mike Tracy today criticized Reno City Attorney Patricia Lynch's advice to the Reno city council that public input regarding Wal-Mart may be disregarded at Tuesday's council meeting.
"At Monday's council caucus meeting, Lynch advised four city council members and the citizens present that public testimony may not be considered legal as part of the body's decision making on the proposed northwest Reno Wal-Mart superstore," Tracy said. "Lynch noted that the public may comment on any item on the agenda, but added that the Wal-Mart issue represents continuation of a hearing which was closed. Because of that, Lynch said, while public comment might be presented Tuesday, it may not be considered as part of the council's decision-making process for approval or denial. According to Lynch, proper notice of a hearing was not given," Tracy stated.
"Citizens have been allowed to provide comments for consideration by the council at the two previous continuations for this project," Tracy said. "We should be allowed to add relevant comments regarding the ever-changing conditions of this proposal. This is the third continuation of the matter and never before has the city attorney weighed in with such remarks," Tracy said. "We cannot rightfully be shut out of the process. Our concerns should be addressed by our elected representatives, and we must be given equal time to comment on new items or new informationpresented by the applicant and city staff. "Otherwise, the only fair thing is not to consider new information at all," Tracy said. "For example, the design of the proposed traffic roundabout at Sierra Highlands Ave. and W. Seventh Street, and therefore its effect, has not yet been part of any public discourse. The neighborhood does not know what to expect since city staff has not defined it. This lack of forthcoming with even basic details leaves us wondering who the staff works for the taxpayers or the developers. City staff has spent a lot of time working for the developer. Who is helping the residents of the northwest?" Tracy asked. With members of the Northwest Reno Advisory Board, Tracy has been working against the Wal-Mart project since last March. Tracy ran for the northwest Reno (Ward 5) city council seat earlier this year. He carried northwest Reno against Ward 5 incumbent Dave Aiazzi on November 7, but Aiazzi was narrowly re-elected by winning in other areas of town in the at-large voting. UPDATE -- Reno Gazette-Journal: City Hall caves to Tracy demand, will allow public inputs GUEST EDITORIAL FROM NORTHWEST RENO RESIDENT VICTORIA FORD
READ MORE ABOUT IT: To order Al Norman's book "Slam Dunking Wal-Mart," call or write Raphel Marketing, 12 S. Virginia Ave., Atlantic City, NJ 08401; (609) 348-6646, Fax (609) 347-2455; e-mail info@raphel.com To read the sad story of how the American middle class has been sold down some third-world river by your friendly Democrat and Republican public officials, get two-time Pulitzer Prize winners Donald Barlett & James Steele's America series from a bookstore or library. ("America: What Went Wrong?", Andrews & McMeel, 1992; "America: Who Really Pays the Taxes?", Touchstone Books/Simon & Schuster,1994; "America: Who Stole the Dream?", Andrews & McMeel, 1996) NevadaLabor.com
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