NAVIGATION TIPS: When all else fails, read
the instructions (A
favorite John Hanks aphorism
I've been using for decades)
Suis Charlie
republic and its press will rise or fall together."
Joseph Pulitzer
Rev. Jim Jones said "drink the Kool-Aid" Time for Trump's True Believers to Respond 4-26-2020
Memo to my New York union readers: I'm a bleeding heart liberal and
thus always open to new ideas. I will give the president's innovative
new medical therapy careful consideration if he will be the first
to try drinking bleach and applying his makeup with Lysol. Swill at
will. Bon appetit. Alleluia! AB
"Betwixt all the Trump flags in the thinly attended Carson City MAGAcidal maniax demonstration was a home-made sign stating 'All cults should be voluntary.' They are obviously experts on that kinda stuff." (Barbwire 4-22-2020) New
Yorkers take Trump's medical advice and o.d. on Clorox and Lysol TRUMP URGES UNITY VS. RACISM (New York Times front page headline 8-6-2019) BARBWIRE TRANSLATION: "You provide the unity, I'll provide the racism"
Get ahead of corporate-influenced news>Subscribe to Barbwire Confidential
is the plural of mediocre."
Jimmy Breslin (1928-2017) |
"The most painful state of being is remembering the future, particularly the one you'll never have." Kierkegaard |
gold record message from the King
by Andrew Barbáno
/ Expanded
from the Wednesday 4-15-2020 Sparks Tribune / Updated
4-18 &
/ Expansions in blue