NAVIGATION TIPS: When all else fails, read
the instructions
ahead of corporate-influenced news>Subscribe to Barbwire Confidential
Silver Anniversary 1988-2013 >Now
we go for gold
by Barbano moved to Nevada's Daily
Sparks Tribune on Aug. 12, 1988, and has originated in them
parts ever since.
to blame: How a hall-of-famer's hunch birthed the Barbwire
in August of 1987
Everybody knows the dice
are loaded. |
Leonard Cohen
"If voting mattered, they wouldn't let us do it." Travus T. Hipp, 1982
The Underbellyof the News>Subscribe to Barbwire Confidential
Don Dondero next We
Don't Need No Education>
Neverending Barbwire Series Support the project at SUING
FOR SCHOOLS If Reform Fails: Health Care, Jobs and Unions new power to the people on the public airwaves The
program premiers were available to every television set in the region
because of a high-mileage media hybrid. Barbwire.TV:
Barbwire's Greatest Hits |
The Nevada Democratic debacle could have bucked the national trend had party leaders bothered to lead.
Donkeyites imposed a topless
campaign on the base by conceding the top of the ticket. I'm not blaming
dissed gubernatorial nominee Bob Goodman, a qualified candidate.
Left to drift, Ross Miller and Lucy Flores didn't have a clue.
LOVE'S LABOURS LOST. Dear Lucy listened
to her dumbass lawyers and dumped the best campaign slogan of the season, "I
Love Lucy," which I suggested. (It didn't take a genius.)
She printed campaign materials, then
some suedeshoes told her to drop it because the slogan was trademarked by CBS.
The venerable Lucille Ball TV series has been in constant syndication
worldwide for over half a century, dammit.
Political speech is the most protected under the Constitution.
They should have made a fight of
it and Lucy's campaign would have scored major statewide, national and international
buzz which translates into money.
LOVE LOST PART DEUX. I came appreciably
close to finding a surprising and prestigious candidate for governor in mid-2013.
I have asked the eminent individual to step forward. Stay tuned.
missed my last three columns, be advised not to invite me to any functions in
Storey County.
Sheriff Gerald Antinoro was re-elected and no one's daughter is safe.
Assessor Joshua Wilson was opposed by Michael Clark.
Wilson is the first assessor in more than four decades to have run his office without scandal. Clark demonstrated no concept of the job, which is strictly to determine market value of properties.
He was ticked off that his taxes increased and his website left the false impression he could reduce levies. Balderdash and illegal, but he won.
Go figger.
FROM UNQUALIFIED TO DISQUALIFIED. Ditto for Gomorrah South rich guy
Dan Schwartz, latest in a long line of wealthy dilettantes to buy the
state treasurer's office. He publicly proved he has no idea of the job.
TEA'D OFF. Biggest GOP mistake award goes
to outgoing Washoe County Commissioner and defeated Reno City Council hopeful
Bonnie Weber who should get roses from Councilman-elect Paul McKenzie.
Mrs. Weber distributed Weber-as-Tea-Party-candidate literature throughout Democratic
bets on how soon Jessica Sferrazza gets appointed Reno City manager?...Gov.
Sandoval reminded me of the late Gov.
Guinn and defrocked Gov. List with his Nixonesque
promise of a secret plan to fund education. Stand by for a sales tax on services...As
I stated a couple of years back, the teachers' union would have better spent
its millions suing the state for
unconstitutionally underfunding education. Kansas is the latest of some
30 jurisdictions to lose such litigation...Keep an eye on the Barbwire
"We Don't Need No Education" online archive for new insights on
last week's firings of school bosses Morrison (Charlotte, NC) and Martinez
Be well. Raise hell. / Esté bien. Haga infierno. (Pardon my Spanglish.)
TOMORROW'S NEWS TODAY: FEEL UP YOUR FIRE METER. The Reno Gazette-Journal did big spreads on three consecutive Sundays (Sept. 14, Sept. 21 and Sept. 28) on NV Energy smart meter fires. Welcome aboard. Barbwire readers were two years ahead on the fire meter issue. (Touch a Smart Meter, Go to Jail 11 October 2012)
In a blah editorial on Sept. 28, the Reno Gazette-Journal praised the Public Utilities Commission for opening an investigation.
What's next? Endorsing motherhood?
I've taken to regularly feeling up my gas and electric meters and those of my neighbors. Heat means your fire meter is about to go torch. Call NVE and pray or 911.
[UPDATE: THE NEVADA FIRE MARSHALL'S INVESTIGATION concluded "don't worry, be happy." I'm still worried and will continue fondling NVE's precious equipment.]
ANTE INTO THE GAME: Support the new season of Barbwire.TV by putting your money where my mouth is.
A thousand thanks to those who already responded and keep sending show suggestions.
is the plural of mediocre."
Jimmy Breslin |
Stay tuned.
I encourage you to donate to the cause at Barbwire.TV/
The medium that shapes public opinion needs at least one refuge where it is not filtered through the distorted green eye shades of prissy corporate accountants for whom profit is the only priority; where self-censorship is the journalist's normal work environment and where all sins of omission are tacitly encouraged and forgiven with the wave of a balance sheet.
This is important. We've got a lot
of work to do.
Get ahead of corporate-influenced news>Subscribe to Barbwire Confidential.
Be well. Raise hell. / Esté bien. Haga infierno. (Pardon my Spanglish.)
![]() |
Barbano is a 46-year Nevadan, chair of the Nevada César Chávez
Committee, producer of Nevada's annual
César Chávez Day celebration, first vice-president
and political action chair of the Reno-Sparks
NAACP, labor/consumer/civil rights advocate, member of Communications
Workers of America Local 9413/AFL-CIO and editor of
and and
As always, his opinions are strictly his own. Check local listings for other
Nevada cable systems. E-mail
Barbwire by Barbano has originated
in the Sparks Tribune since
the Underbelly of the News > Subscribe to Barbwire Confidential
Smoking Guns...
Get ahead of corporate-influenced news>Subscribe to Barbwire ConfidentialIf you voted early, this will make you regret it
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 11-4-2014 Daily Sparks TribuneVirginia City's next scary sexy Hollywood movie
Virginia City 911: Sexy Sheriffing in Old ConforteLand
Barbwire by Barbano / Special Nevada Day Edition 10-31-2014, Updated 11-1 and 11-3-2014Follytix '14: Year of the Topless Campaign
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 10-28-2014 Sparks Tribune, Updated 10-31-2014Words from God on Nevada ballots and Ebola
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 10-21-2014 Sparks Tribune
Happy 150th Birthday, Ms. Nevada
Nevada Day Required Reading
The Lady in the Red Dress
The Barbwire's classic Nevada Day column written in 1983
The compleat history of the Silver State in 500 words
Sparks Tribune 10-31-2013 and previouslyThe Emancipation Proclamation signed by President Abraham Lincoln on display in Reno thru Nov. 2
GAO Study: Voter ID laws cut turnout by blacks, young
By Alan Fram / Associated Press 10-8-2014
Barbwire: Nevada not really a state
No, we were not Battle Born in Kenya
Top 10 reasons Nevada lives in the 19th Century
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 10-17-2013 Sparks Tribune
Cheap thrills: Sex banned in Gomorrah South
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 10-14-2014 Sparks Tribune / Updated 10-15-2014True confessions from the back of the bus
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 10-7-2014 Sparks TribuneWe don't need no education: Leaks R Us
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 9-30-2014 Sparks TribuneTaxpayers taken for Teslacide demo ride
Heavy demands for services & infrastructure but no money for them: Los Angeles Times debunks booster claimsCan megaresorts scam Tesla-style freebies?
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 9-23-2014 Sparks TribuneSt. Elon, Lord Pedro and Gov. Veto El Obtúsè
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 9-16-2014 Sparks Tribune
9-23 CRYSTAL BALL UPDATE: The above column accurately predicted Martinez's departure one week in advanceTinkle-down economics: testing Tesla's testes
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 9-9-2014 Sparks TribuneLabor Day 2014: Red, white and screwed
Silver State Lining: Nevada union membership 10th-highest in the nation
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune / 8-28-2014
Union decline and rising inequality in two charts
by Colin Gordon
Economic Policy Institute / 6-5-2012
Labor Day: State of the Unions
By Mark Robison / Reno Gazette-Journal / Sunday 9-1-2013The above graph was used in journalist Mark Robison's extensive Hard Labor: Nevada unions tout role in helping workers, firms, economy (Sunday 2 Sept. 2012 Reno Gazette-Journal, page one, Reno Rebirth section of the print edition). Union men Jim Burrell, Paul McKenzie and Guy Louis Rocha did the movement proud.
The Barbwire Labor Day column
Reno Gazette-Journal / 9-3-2012
...and more ammo...
The hardest and fairest questions yet asked of proponents of the teachers gross profits tax initiative
Dennis Myers / Reno News & Review 7-10-2014We Don't Need No Education
The continuing Barbwire seriesBarbwire: Nevada not really a state
No, we were not Battle Born in Kenya
Top 10 reasons Nevada lives in the 19th Century
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 10-17-2013 Sparks TribuneLow-income penalty: Nevada socks it to the working poor
BARBANO: Nevada is one big company town
Dennis Myers / Reno News & Review 10-10-2013State of Health
National health care comes up against a very sick state. WHAT'S IN IT FOR US?
Dennis Myers / Reno News & Review 10-10-2013
...and more ammo yet
IMF Head Says Inequality Threatens Democracy. Here Are 7 Charts Proving Shes Right.
By Erika Eichelberger / Mother Jones/ 5-30-2014
The behavior of the financial sector has not changed fundamentally since the crisis.
The industry still prizes short-term profit.The Post-Dated Recession: Pay me now or pay me later
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 9-6-2012 Daily Sparks TribuneThe Post-dated Recession
By Joshua H. Silavent / Daily Sparks Tribune / 5-3-2011
Nevada Press Assn. Better Newspaper Contest2013-14: BARBWIRE SCORES SIXTH NEVADA PRESS ASSOCIATION AWARD
Hopelessly trying to win an earthquake / 4-18-2013The 2013 Loony Tunes Legislative Lexicon / 5-30-2013
The politics of media ga-ga boosterism / 3-20-2014
2010 GOLD HAT TRICK: Barbwire takes first place three years in a row.
The winning entries
Suing for Schools: The 20-year shuck
Expanded from the 2-21-2010 Daily Sparks TribuneRED flags flying low over Sparks
Expanded from the 1-10-2010 Daily Sparks TribuneThe wrath of self-righteous racism
Expanded from the 11-8-2009 Daily Sparks Tribune
The campaign against forcibly-paid newspaper obituaries
And they wonder why the newspaper business is dying?
The Dean's List
The Dean of Reno Bloggers could very well be Andrew Barbano, self-described "fighter of public demons," who started putting his "Barbwire" columns online in 1996 and now runs 10 sites.
RENO NEWS & REVIEW, 11-9-2006
The 2009 first-place Nevada Press Association award winners
Tony the Tiger & the flaky NFL
Barbwire / 11-30-2008
Deregulation is never having to say you're sorry
Barbwire / 8-3-2008
Nevada: A good place to visit, but do you want to live here?
Barbwire / 6-15-2008
The 2008 first-place Nevada Press Association award winners
The price of a piece / 6-17-2007
Boxing Pandora /9-23-2007
The Lady in the Red Dress
SITE NAVIGATION TIPS: When all else fails, read the instructions
Copyright © 1982-2014
Andrew Barbano
Andrew Barbano is a 46-year Nevadan, editor of and; and former chair of the City of Reno's Citizens Cable Compliance Committee. He is producer of Nevada's annual César Chávez Day celebration and serves as first vice-president, political action chair and webmaster of the Reno-Sparks NAACP. As always, his opinions are strictly his own. E-mail
Barbwire by Barbano moved to Nevada's Daily Sparks Tribune on Aug. 12, 1988, and has originated in them parts ever since.
Whom to blame: How a hall-of-famer's hunch birthed the Barbwire in August of 1987
Tempus fugit.Site composed and maintained by Deciding Factors, CWA 9413 signatory
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