Pierre A.; Peace is Bullish; Look magazine, 5-31-1966
Andre Rinfret
Note: Pierre Andre Rinfret, who corresponded with me after finding
himself quoted on the Barbwire, passed away in 2006. I have
been quoting him on the economic folly of war since I saw the following
piece posted on a professor's bulletin board at Fresno State in 1966.
I have also commented several times on the impact and history of the
Kennedy tax cut, which requires contextual
On April 26,
1999, Rinfret wrote the following to me:
I agree
with your slogan, 'be well, raise hell,' but would modify it a bit
to "Be well, raise hell for justice."
Your problem
and mine is telling it like it is!
When Paul
Volcker retired, he wrote me "Never lose your sense of outrage
for there is much to be outraged about."
Ever since,
it has been my motto and it is yours as well!
Never forget
the wonderful saying of my mentor: PEACE IS BULLISH.
regards and best wishes to you. Good luck and keep on raising hell.
Freedom can only be maintained by constant and minute surveillance.
Love and respect,
Pierre Rinfret
said and a life well lived, old lion. AB
See Why JFK Cut Taxes by Herbert
Stein, Wall Street Journal, 5-30-1996, HEREINBELOW.