21 May 2021
GARY WATSON, President
Teamsters Union Local 533
(775) 348-6060 ext. 104
meme material is blowing in the wind on 9th Street right
now all 12 feet of it. Feel free to print out this
version. Suggestions below.
as a bookmark, bumper sticker or Internet meme. Potential
caption hereinbelow >
to business >
RUN before bus bosses Friday morning
Millions for profit & strikebreakers but no mercy for nursing
NV (Friday,
morning brings the Battle of Milk Run to the streets of Reno. A lactation
brigade will greet public officials at Friday morning's 9:00 meeting
of the Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County. All are
Watson, President
Teamsters Union Local
Duffy with Teamsters Local 533 Business Agent Ross Kinson
RTC will convene
in the Washoe County Commission chambers at 1001 E. 9th Street in Reno.
Room capacity is limited to 42 at any one time. Masks are highly recommended.
The meeting may be viewed via live streaming at WashoeCounty.US
or the county YouTube site
and via Charter/Spectrum Cable Channel 193.
"The for-profit operator of the RTC Ride bus system is once again
trying to milk its Nevada cash cow while it illegally abuses nursing
mothers," stated Teamsters Union Local 533 President Gary Watson.
Motherhood and
money were to dominate the agenda but motherhood apparently won Thursday
Union demonstrators and other organizations will be led Friday by
Athena Duffy,
a Latinx mother and RTC driver who was denied mandatory lactation breaks
and access to sanitary facilities.
"They even changed the locks on her," Watson said. "RTC
blames Keolis and vice-versa." [JUDGE
FOR YOURSELF. Listen to 51 seconds of moral obtuseness direct from voicemail
hell. UNJOY!.]
On April 2, the union filed federal
charges accusing foreign-owned Keolis Transit of violating federal law
"by discriminatorily and in retaliation for protected concerted
activity...retaliating against Athena Duffy for the union activity
of seeking and receiving the union's assistance in forcing the employer
to comply with lactation rules."
"RTC took its usual position," Watson said, "they washed
their hands of the situation and forcing a new mother to scramble for
unsanitary and often non-existent facilities." Complete documentation
and photos are available at NevadaLabor.com/
"Adding insult to injury, Keolis Transit has asked for a blank
check to import strikebreakers when contract negotiations have yet to
begin," Watson stated.
"The company's conduct validates our longheld view that they want
to precipitate a strike after our contract expires next month,"
he added.
"Keolis has already been hiring 'permanent temps' here and in other
markets in violation of union contracts and now they are violating both
the law and the unwritten rules of motherhood," Watson said.
"Agenda item 4.13 is a masterpiece of vague legalese but is actually
a blank check in disguise," Watson observed.
Good morning Madam
Chair and Board Members.
My name is Debbie Calkins, Secretary-Treasurer
and Principal Officer of Teamsters Union Local 533. I am here
today on behalf of my membership.
Bringing in "extra
cleaning or any "special or emergency services"
will likely violate our signatory Collective Bargaining
Agreement as cleaning is a bargaining unit position and work.
Teamsters 533 will take any and all legal action necessary to
protect the contract.
We respectfully ask the Board to pull this agenda item until
the language for "these or any future services can
be defined and we can have a conversation and input regarding
hiring, training and implementation.
The Teamsters would be happy to approach the topic during the
long anticipated contract negotiations which is the proper arena.
Local 533 realizes the need for "flexibility" in the
event of another pandemic and remains open to an emergency side
letter of agreement to the CBA anytime such a threat presents.
NOTE: Mrs. Calkins was not allowed to deliver her prepared remarks
until the panel had already voted 4-0 with one absent to approve
the contract modification. This is an old maneuver to circumvent
the Nevada Open Meeting Law by making decisions before public
The union was
notified last night that item 4.13 may be pulled from the agenda. Preliminary
contract negotiations begin next week. The union's collective bargaining
agreement expires June 30. [UPDATE: THE ITEM WAS
at right.] [[MUCH MORE
"The request
comes from the same multi-national that skimmed millions in federal
COVID-19 relief funds but spent a stingy $338,000 on Reno-Sparks passenger
safety. RTC officials confirmed those numbers and Keolis did not dispute
them in a long guest editorial in last Wednesday's Reno Gazette-Journal,"
Watson noted.
Last year, RTC received $26.2 million in federal relief funds. RTC Washoe
provided billing from Keolis which showed they spent only $338,000 on
COVID-19 precautions. The Keolis guest editorial failed to refute or
even mention the above dollar amounts raised by
the union in April.
"RTC informed
us that Keolis shunted much of the rest directly to corporate profit,"
Watson said.
Keolis announced operating profits of 532 million Euros last year (well
over $647 million US).
"The Teamsters do not forget. Without authorization in 1999, a
previous contractor flew in rats for a strike that never happened, then
asked for a huge reimbursement from taxpayers," Watson noted.
The Teamsters have walked out only once since the bus system's 1982
conversion from Nevada Transit. That work
stoppage occurred in 2002 after coming close in 1999 and several
times more over the years.
Twenty-two years ago, the late union shop steward Eileen Wiley
stated "The employees of the Citifare bus system have asked the
Regional Transportation Commission to restore unauthorized and unnecessary
expenditures which we feel were deducted from our paychecks.
"Without notifying the commission, Ryder/ATE, Inc., the foreign-owned
contractor which manages the system, committed $113,841.32 to import
36 Cincinnati strikebreakers for a strike which never happened. Dividing
$113,841.32 by 36 means each strikebreaker cost $3,162.26 for no work,"
she wrote in a Reno Gazette-Journal
guest editorial published on Sept. 6, 1999.
The union has been informed that the chief executive of Keolis Transit
USA will be in attendance on Friday as well as other top officers, apparently
with no contract modification to sign.
The Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe
County is comprised of Sparks Mayor
Ed Lawson,
Washoe County Commissioners Vaughn
Hartung and Bob Lucey;
Reno City Councilmembers Oscar
Delgado and Neoma Jardon,
board chair. Mr. Delgado and his wife both tested positive for COVID-19
in December. He is currently CEO of the Community
Health Alliance of Washoe County. RTC board e-mail <rtcpubliccomments@rtcwashoe.com>
See NevadaLabor.com for links, references, photos and complete background
on these issues and Teamsters/RTC history including the 2002
Hot August Strike.
Chartered in
1934, Teamsters Local 533 represents about 2,200 workers in various
trades throughout northern Nevada and eastern California.
open for the Doofus Awards
by Andrew Barbáno
/ Expanded
from the Wednesday 5-26-2021
Sparks Tribune
latest addition to Teamsters Local 533's Road Show
(needs a little paint)
Officials risk
first bus strike in almost 20 years
4-6-2021 / Reno Gazette-Journal 4-7-2021
By Debbie Calkins and Gary Watson
less than three months, Washoe County may find itself with a crippled
mass transit system.
& Principal Officer
She is
the first woman to head the union.
RTC Ride bus
operators and support staff risk their lives serving more than 20,000
riders a day. Unfortunately, elected officials and an unaccountable
bureaucracy have allowed the system to become a COVID-19 superspreader.
Because of intentionally lax safety standards, more than two dozen Washoe
drivers and very probably more have been infected. The Regional Transportation
Commission (RTC) and its for-profit management contractor, Keolis Transit,
withhold such information and much more despite our union contract.
RTC's bureaucracy has committed wholesale illegal, unfair labor practices
and health violations. They even threatened a federal arbitrator and
must be held accountable.
At least two local bus operators have been hospitalized in ICUs. Two
African-American women drivers in Las Vegas lie dead. In southern
California, Keolis
fired an African-American woman who was recovering from breast cancer
surgery. Still on chemotherapy, her immune system was suppressed.
She thus asked a passenger to don a mask and was fired.
Teamsters Local 533 is constantly fighting similar "disciplinary
actions" here.
France-based Keolis hired "permanent temps" in several states
including Nevada. After 90 days, they were mandated to become fully
compensated employees but were not. Worse, the temp subcontractor was
owned by the wife of Keolis' former Reno general manager, Abul Hassan.
RTC's media machine sends out press releases and buys expensive TV ads
bragging that they are "99.9 percent compliant" with safety
standards. Do any of the five elected RTC commissioners (Neoma
Jardon, Vaughn Hartung, Bob Lucey, Oscar Delgado
and Ed Lawson) ever take a bus ride?
Here's a verbatim order from Keolis Operations Manager Taquan Jackson:
"Effective 12:00AM (midnight), February 2, 2021 there will be a
federal mandate for masks to be worn on public transportation. This
is a requirement the local team and RTC have been encouraging and adhering
to for some time now. Although the mandate was (sic) been escalated
our operators are not to enforce this policy whatsoever."
Mr. Jackson
expects his employees to be acrobats, adhering while ignoring.
This is nothing new. Mr. Hassan ordered this last June 26: "We
are not to deny ridership for not having a mask, do not refuse riders."
A driver can refuse to board a pantsless passenger but not a maskless
one. (That sitcom scenario actually happened last year.)
John Mayer, a former Sparks Councilman and RTC member, and current
Reno Councilmember Jenny Brekhus have advocated for outsourcing
to end and bring accountability home.
Teamsters Local 533 and the Reno-Sparks
NAACP have long decried non-enforcement of Gov. Sisolak's
(and later, President Biden's) mask and distancing mandates by
Keolis. RTC's board and management simply ignored.
The union has filed more than 70 health, safety and workplace complaints
before federal agencies and actions in U.S. District Court. Keolis has
used them to stonewall and delay, typical union busting, pushing toward
a strike.
The transit
system's bedrock customers are the least among us: The elderly, the
very young, minorities, the disabled, homeless and those of low income
who cannot afford autos or don't drive.
Some employees are allowed to work sick. Health, safety and COVID-19
test results have been withheld in violation of our union contract.
Why won't RTC let us know how many safety complaints come in from passengers?
Last year, RTC received $26.2 million in federal relief funds.
RTC Washoe provided billing from Keolis which showed they spent only
$338,000 on COVID-19 safety.
RTC further informed us that Keolis swept much of the rest directly
to corporate profit.
In June, a National Labor Relations Board judge will review why Keolis
refuses to disclose how many union members contracted COVID-19, among
other union-busting charges.
By then, we may not have a bus system to argue about. Our union contract
expires at the same time.
A perfect storm looms in June and only concerted action by elected RTC
officials can mitigate the potential damage.
Please contact your five commissioners and advocate for endangered passengers
and workers.
Debbie Calkins is the first woman chief executive officer of
Teamsters Union Local 533. Gary Watson serves as the union's
The Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe
County is comprised of Sparks Mayor
Ed Lawson,
Washoe County Commissioners Vaughn
Hartung and Bob Lucey;
Reno City Councilmembers Oscar
Delgado and Neoma Jardon,
board chair. Mr. Delgado and his wife both tested positive for COVID-19
in December. He is currently CEO of the Community
Health Alliance of Washoe County.
Supporting photos, documents, references and archives may be accessed
at NevadaLabor.com/
Chartered in 1934, Teamsters Local 533 represents about 2,200 workers
in various trades throughout northern Nevada and eastern California.
"We are world-class virus smiters" Teamsters: "And world-renowned liars"
Kristen Hackbarth / This Is Reno 2-3-2021
RTC Transit Strike Archive