Day in Nevada
Chávez Long March
by Reno artist Erik Holland
Mr. Holland
will be selling cards and prints at the March
31 César Chávez celebration at Circus Circus
in Reno. The original watercolor is currently displayed at
the Nevada Legislature in the office of Sen. Ruben Kihuen,
D-Las Vegas.
© 2009 Erik Holland. All rights reserved.
An Oral History
George W. Nelson (1932-2016)
United Auto Worker, former UAW Local 1364 Committeeman, Local
1364 Recording Secretary, Northern California Community Action
Program Recording Secretary, and Local 2162 Retired Chapter
2013 honoree, César
Chávez Nevada Labor.com Hall of Fame
gave the following reading at the César Chávez
Northern Nevada Labor Hall of Fame on March 31, 2011, at Circus-Circus
Resort, in Reno, Nevada":
was there in December 1965, the International Union,
United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement
Workers of America, better known as the United Auto Workers
Union (UAW), held its Region Six Community Action
Program Conference in Fresno, California.
After hearing a presentation from three strikers from Delano
regarding labor problems in the vineyard during grape harvest,
a motion was made by conference delegates to support the
United Farm Workers Organizing Committee (UFWOC)
with financial and manpower support.
I was there the
following morning at our first session. Our UAW International
President, Walter Reuther, introduced César Chávez,
who spoke to us about the Delano grape strike. Before that
days session ended, Walter Reuther announced that
the UAW would contribute Five Thousand Dollars a month and
manpower as needed to the UFWOC.
I was there when
UAW International President Walter Reuther assigned his
younger brother, Roy Reuther, the task of convincing the
president of the A.F.L.-C.I.O, George Meany, and the leadership
of the A.F.L.-C.I.O (AFL-CIO) affiliated unions
to support the UFWOC.
I was there
when Roy Reuther took on the daunting task of getting the
half interested George Meany to give unlimited support to
the UFWOC. Roy Reuther worked the next two years getting
the AFL-CIO support for the UFWOC. His efforts were successful.
Meany assigned Bill Kircher, his very energetic AFL-CIO
Director to the UFWOC. Thereafter, Bill Kircher organized
the UFWOC for several years.
UAW Regional
Director Paul Schrade, UAW International Representative,
Roy Reuther, ILWU President Jimmy Herman, as well as ILWU
Activist Don Watson and long-time ILWU Leader Richard Cavalli
were the first labor leaders with power and influence to
volunteer to help César Chávez and the UFWOC.
Sadly, Roy Reuther died of a massive heart attack in January
10, 1968.
I was there
on a pleasant day in September 1969 when the UFWOC completed
the first building on the Forty Acres in Delano for its
headquarters. César Chávez dedicated the headquarters
in the name of Roy Reuther for his help to the UFWOC, and
UAW members from throughout California came to Delano to
celebrate the dedication. Local 1364 of Fremont, California
had two busloads of members, and the union brothers from
Oakland, California came to the Forty Acres in a Peerless
Stage bus from Oakland filled to capacity. Hundreds of UAW
members from Southern California along with hundreds of
striking UFWOC members joined us for the dedication that
included a Catholic Mass and a fiesta.
While standing
on a flatbed of a ten-wheel travel trailer, César
Chávez presented Alan Reuther, Roy Reuthers
brother, with the dedication plaque. Standing on the flatbed
with Cesar and Alan were Walter Reuther, Paul Schrade, Dolores
Huerta, Richard Chávez, and an unidentified striking
UFWOC member, who had been on strike for three years. The
dedication was followed by Mass given by a priest from the
Roman Catholic Church of Delano also who also stood on the
flatbed. A fun fiesta followed.
1969 César Chávez, right, and Walter
Reuther, center, at the dedication of the United Farm
Workers' new headquarters in Delano, Calif. The buildings
were dedicated to Reuther's late younger brother, Roy.
The Reuther-led United Auto Workers were instrumental
in acquiring the land and funding for "The 40 Acres,"
as the site was known. The man at left was on a picket
line for five years and may or may not be a Chávez
relative. Anyone who can identify him, please contact
me. A character resembling him appeared in many
scenes of the 2014 major motion picture César
Chávez. (Photo courtesy of George
Nelson (1932-2016), UAW Local 2162 Retirees.) |
was there on the Monday after the dedication at Forty
Acres when five busloads of UAW Ford members, who had been
holding their yearly conference in Bakersfield, California,
joined three busloads of us UAW General Motors members
to picket several grape vineyards in the Delano area alongside
the UFWOC striking members. One bus carrying our picket
gang was led by Dolores Huerta and Joe Alvarez, a Northern
California Ford Service Representative, another bus was
led by Richard Chavez, and the third bus was led by our
UAW Local 1364s Group Leader and Shop Chairman, Chief
For the next several
years, after the dedication, the AFL-CIO, the UAW and the
ILWU routinely sent hundreds of volunteers from their local
unions to UFWOC picket lines, to long and short marches,
to grape and iceberg lettuce boycotts, and to many organizing
Chávez and Dr. King still lead us
By Andrew Barbano / Reno Gazette-Journal
Guest Editorial / 3-31-2011
Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr., and César Chávez still guide
Last week came what historian Guy Louis
Rocha called the biggest demonstration ever at the state
capital, about 1,500 people. It was comprised largely of college
students from all over Nevada. Many of the latter day freedom riders
rode in on buses, texting and tweeting lawmakers all the way.
Last Monday, the UNR Latino Student Advisory Board hosted a
César Chávez commemoration on campus.
Student leader Carla Castedo Testa, a senior psychology major
who organized the event, said "we want to honor César
Chávez and his contributions to civil rights. Chávez
was someone who, through his non-violent actions, left a legacy
of leadership, activism and unity.
"When everyone seemed to be against his cause and his desire
to achieve workers' rights, he never gave up and, for that, we are
all grateful. This is one of the qualities that keeps inspiring
our generation to improve. By helping others and by accomplishing
a higher level of education that will allow us to better serve our
community, we hope to keep his legacy going strong," Castedo
Ms. Castedo and some her colleagues will attend the annual César
Chávez celebration on march 31 at Reno's Circus Circus on
the legendary labor leader's 84th birthday. The Nevada Legislature
has a Latino Caucus for the first time and a majority has confirmed.
Members of the Chávez family will attend, as usual.
The Thursday event will install new members of the Nevada Labor
Hall of Fame. Local entertainers César Perez and Ángel
Rodriguez will perform.
Both Chávez events
pave the way to national unity
day on April 4, the 43rd anniversary of the assassination of Dr.
King who traveled to Memphis, Tenn., supporting striking union
garbage workers.
"On April 4, church leaders, civil rights activists and community
members of all stripes will hold events around the country to say,
as Dr. King did, that 'injustice anywhere is a threat to justice
everywhere,'" stated national NAACP
President Benjamin Jealous.
"In recent months, we have witnessed attempts in North Carolina
to amend state policy to accelerate the resegregation of its public
schools, a widespread assault on voting rights including
an effort in Florida that would take up to 300,000 voters off the
rolls, continued attacks on the rights of women and immigrants in
addition to the well-publicized offensive on the rights of organized
labor," Jealous added.
The local April 4 gathering will take place on the campus of Carson
City's Western Nevada College at 4:30 p.m. For more information,
contact last year's César Chávez union organizer of
the year Liz Sorenson at Communications
Workers of Amerca Local 9413/AFL-CIO in Sparks at 775-322-9413.
The fight for justice never ends. The Texas board of education has
tried to eliminate Chávez and Supreme Court Justice Thurgood
Marshall from history books. The governor of Maine recently
ordered Chávez's name removed from a meeting room at the
state labor department.
Be well. Raise hell.

Andrew Barbano is editor of NevadaLabor.com
and chairs the Nevada César Chávez Committee.
Chávez, Dr. King & the kids are alright
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 3-27-2011 Daily Sparks Tribune
Monday, March 28, 2011
CARLA CASTEDO 775-342-7612
ANDREW BARBANO, 775-882-TALK (882-8255)
e-mail barbano@frontpage.reno.nv.us
honor César Chávez
2011 César Chávez
Celebration IX on Thursday
Thursday/jueves, March/marzo 31, 2011 / Circus Circus - Reno
RENO, Nevada, USA (Monday 3-28-2011) Today from 3:30 to 4:30
p.m., the University of Nevada Latino Student Advisory Board will
host a César Chávez commemoration under the rotunda
in the Knowledge Center just south of Lawlor Events Center next
to the Crowley Student Union. Fiesta Mexicana will dance
and Sen. Moises Denis, D-Las Vegas, will speak.
"We are hosting this event because we want to honor César
Chávez and his contributions to civil rights," said
student leader Carla Castedo, a senior psychology major.
"Chávez was someone who, through his non-violent actions,
has left a legacy of leadership, activism and unity," she added.
"When everyone seemed to be against his cause and his desire
to achieve workers' rights, he never gave up and, for that, we are
all grateful. This is one of the qualities that keeps inspiring
our generation to improve. By helping others and by accomplishing
a higher level of education that will allow us to better serve our
community, we hope to keep his legacy going strong," Castedo
"As a group, we want to unite and incorporate our ideas and/or
suggestions to university staff members and community leaders who,
like us, strive for the enhancement of the Hispanic community here
in Nevada," Castedo noted. (1)
Ms. Castedo and some her colleagues will attend the annual César
Chávez celebration on Thursday evening at Circus Circus on
the legendary labor leader's 84th birthday. Members of the Chávez
family will attend, as usual. In accordance with state law (2),
Gov. Brian Sandoval has proclaimed
March 31 as César Chávez Day in Nevada.
The Thursday event will present the latest round of César
Chávez awards to the union organizer of the year, employer
of the year and project of the year. New members of the Nevada Labor
Hall of Fame will be installed. Local entertainers César
Perez and Ángel Rodriguez will perform.
The Nevada Legislature has a Latino Caucus for the first time and
a majority is expected to attend on Thursday, including Sens. Denis
and Ruben Kihuen, D-Las Vegas, and Assemblymembers Teresa
Benitez-Thompson, D-Reno, Irene Bustamante Adams, Steven
Brooks, Richard Carillo and Lucy Flores, all D-Las Vegas.
Assemblymember Olivia Diaz, D-North Las Vegas, who became
a new mother right after the session started last month, has also
been invited. Assemblymember Richard
"Skip" Daly, D-Sparks, and Sen. Mark Manendo,
D-Las Vegas, have also confirmed.
Doors to the Circus Circus Mandalay Ballroom open at 5:30 p.m. with
dinner at 7:00. Tickets may be purchased online
through CesarChavezNevada.com or by calling (775) 882-8255.
The web archive has history and photos dating back to 1986 when
Chávez visited Reno.
Individual tickets are $65 per person in advance; $75 per person
at the door; children under 12 are $25 each; seniors 65+ or students
(with student i.d.) are $35 per person in advance, $40 per person
at the door.
Major sponsors of this year's celebration are Laborers
Union Local 169 and American Federation
of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 4041/AFL-CIO.
1. UNR
Latino Student Advisory Board Facebook event page
2. AB 301, sponsored by
Assemblyman (now Senator) Ruben Kihuen, D-Las Vegas, and 18 others.
Sen. Ruben Kihuen, D-Las Vegas, brings his congressional campaign
to northern Nevada
775-882-TALK (882-8255)
RENO, Nevada, USA Nevada César Chávez Day IX
takes place on Thursday, March 31, 2011, at Circus Circus Hotel-Casino
in Reno. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., dinner at 7:00 p.m.
As always, members of César Chávez's immediate family
have been invited, as have Gov. Brian Sandoval and the Nevada
Legislature's new Latino Caucus. In accordance with the bi-partisan
measure passed by the 2009 legislature, the governor has proclaimed
March 31 as a day in honor of César Chávez. (1)
Last year, the event inaugurated the Nevada Labor Hall of Fame.
The first inductee was former Harrah's bartender Darlene
Jespersen, whose wrongful termination legal action became
an international cause celébre and is taught in many law
schools today.
Additional hall of famers
will be installed this year as they receive César Chávez
Silver State Lifetime Public Service Awards.
Nominations remain open for labor organizer of the year, employer
of the year, humanitarian of the year and union project of the year.
Seating is limited and reservations are strongly recommended.
On March 31, doors of the Circus Circus Mandalay Ballroom will open
at 5:30 p.m. with dinner at 7:00 p.m. Reserved tables for 10 are
$600 purchased on or before March 28 and $725.00 thereafter.
Individual tickets purchased
on or before March 28 are $65 per person; thereafter or at the door,
$75 per person; children under 12 are $ 25.00 each; seniors 65+
or students (with student i.d.) purchased on or before March 28
are $35 per person; purchased March 28 or thereafter, $40 per person.
Tickets may be purchased online or by calling
Andrew Barbano
at (775) 882-8255. The website has major sponsorship
information as well as history
and photos dating back to 1986 when Chávez visited Reno.
(1) AB
301, sponsored by Assemblyman (now Senator) Ruben Kihuen, D-Las
Vegas, and 18 others.
Chávez IX Celebracion del 2011
Jueves 31 DE Marzo, 2011 en Circus Circus
de Reno
RENO Nevada, Estados
Unidos El día de César Chávez IX en
Nevada tomara lugar el jueves 31 de marzo del 2011, en el Hotel-Casino
Circus Circus en Reno. Las puertas abren alas 5:30pm, la cena empieza
alas 7:00pm.
Como siempre, los miembros
de la familia más cercana de César Chávez han
sido invitados, al igual que el Gobernador. Brian Sandoval y el
nuevo Comité latino de la Legislatura de Nevada. De
acuerdo con la medida bipartita aceptada por la legislatura 2009,
el gobernador ha proclamado el 31 de marzo como un día en
honor a César Chávez. (1)
El año pasado, el evento inauguró el Pasillo de la
fama en Nevada. El primer recluta fue el barman de Harrahs
Darlene Jespersen,
cuya acción legal por despedido injustificado llegó
a ser una causa celebre internacional y ahora es demostrado en muchas
facultades de derecho. Serán instalados nuevos famosos este
ano mientras reciben premios de servicios comunitarios de por vida
en el estado de plata.
Las nominaciones siguen abiertas para el organizador del trabajo
del año, el empleador del año, el filántropo
del proyecto de año y la unión del año.
Asientos están limitados y recomendamos hacer reservaciones.
El 31 de marzo, en el Circus Circus Mandalay Ballroom puertas abrirán
alas 5:30pm y la cena empieza alas 7:00pm. Las reservaciones de
mesas para 10 personas cuestan $600 compradas en o antes del 28
de marzo y después de ese día cuestan $725.
Boletos individuales comprados en o antes de el 28 de marzo cuestan
$65 por persona; después o en la puerta cuestan $75 por persona;
niños menores de 12 cuestan $ 25 cada uno; mayores de 65
o estudiantes (con identificación de estudiante) comprados
en o antes de el 28 de marzo cuestan $35 por persona; después
de ese día cuestan $40 por persona.
Los boletos pueden ser ordenados en línea
o llamando a Andrew Barbano al (775) 882-8255 (882-TALK).
El sitio web tiene mayor información de
patrocinio así como historia
y fotos que antedatan a 1986 cuando Chávez visitó
1. AB 301,
patrocinado por Asambleísta (ahora Senador) Ruben Kihuen,
D-Las Vegas, y otros 18.