September 1, 2004

DEAR FELLOW DISSEES: The beat goes on. An unabated stream of complaints (and one incredibly arrogant response) continues from Democrats and other non-Republicans about the missing Washoe County primary election sample ballots. As you will note, below, some people still have not received theirs.

Hereinbelow is Susan Voyles' splendid story in the Reno Gazette-Journal wherein Washoe County Registrar of Voters Dan Burk states he mailed the Republicans first because Washoe County has more of them. Through long experience, he also knows that Republicans know how to fight and the Democrats have long ceased doing anything of the sort.

An official response from the Washoe County Registrar of Voters office just came in.

As we watch the minions of HIs Accidency the President rip John Kerry's lungs out, the D's had damn well better remember the advice of another Massachusetts Democrat. "Politics ain't bean bag," said the late House Speaker Thomas "Tip" O'Neil.

'Twas ever thus.

Several of the folks whose letters appear hereinbelow are quoted in the RGJ story. This really hit home with voters all over the area.

Thanks to all for the prompt responses and please keep me posted. The weirdness has not yet truly begun and, as Hunter S. Thompson once opined, when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.

You done good.

Be well. Raise hell.

Andrew Barbano, Editor

Reno Gazette-Journal Editorial: Voting timetable must be changed

Some residents haven’t received sample ballots for early voting
Reno Gazette-Journal 8-27-2004


From: "Cutler, Luanne"
Subject: voting questions
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 20:49:34

Hello Mr. N______,

   I'm not sure if I completely understand your questions but I will try to answer them the best that I'm able to.

   As a bit of background, the absentee ballot and sample ballots are run and distributed through two completely unrelated processes. Your sample ballot is automatically sent to you. Although we attempt to get the sample ballots out as early as possible, they do not always beat the absentee ballots to the mail.

   Due to the complications involved with the implementation of the new vote tabulation system (which was ordered by the Secretary of State) we were not able to prepare the sample ballots as early as we usually do. We send the sample ballots to a mailing house for addressing and mailing. They must run each type of sample ballot (Democrats, Republicans and Nonpartisan)
in separate runs since they are each different.

   One type must go first, one second and one third. No preference involved. It might be as simple as which boxes of printed materials are nearest the printer.

  We are truly sorry if all of this has caused you any distress. We're trying very hard to implement many, many new laws and procedures as well as learn an entire new voting system all at the same time.

   Just as a reminder, your absentee ballot needs to be back in our office by 7 pm on Sept. 7.

   I hope that I have addressed your concerns. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Luanne Cutler
Administrative Secretary
Washoe County Registrar of Voters Office
(775) 328-3690

Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 17:34:43 -0700
Said that they would send out our sample ballots tomorrow. We'll see. PEG

At 04:11 PM 8/31/2004, Barbano wrote:
Let me know what they say.

Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 10:42:55 -0700

Dear Andy: It is now the last day of August and our all-Dem. household STILL hasn't received sample ballots. Am going to call the registrar of voters today. Sure, they send to Republicans first, but this is ridiculous.

Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 14:13:57 EDT
Subject: Re: Nevada News from BallotBoxing.US
Thanks Andy. Wondered why I haven't received mine. Jan

Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 17:22:47
Mr. Barbano
I am a registered voter and I prefer non-partisan comments: Just because a person doesn’t receive his or hers sample ballot in my opinion is not a big deal. (Is like a fat person trying to blame the spoon factory for his or her FAT condition). Further more I know when election day is and I don’t need a sample ballot to cast my vote.
Please, note the following: If you intent to continue sending one side comments. Please remove my name from your list.
John-Michael M.

[I wouldn't mind this guy's arrogance so much if he knew how to avoid skewed simile. Perhaps he was called a fathead by the girls in grade school. He showed 'em when he grew up. He apparently now knows everything.
Be well. Raise hell.
— AB]

8-30-2004 (By phone)
I finally got my sample ballot today. I have to early vote. I'm disabled and it hurts to stand in line.
Mary - Reno

[NOTE: Early voting closes this Friday, Sept. 3.]

Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 07:56:44
Just got my sample ballot in the mail on Saturday! I will suggest in my letter to the SoS (Secretary of State) that it needs to be mailed by zip (as most bulk mailings are) not by party. This weekend, there was a news article on NBC about how more than 56% of the voters in the 2000 election were Dems. So how did we end up with Bush? Oh, yeah, he won a "re-count" in his brother's state! Yeah, right! Does anyone have any information on Kerry's visit to Northern NV? Haven't seen anything on his website, yet.

Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 10:16:42
Hi. I am happy to say that my sample ballot finally arrived. Thanks for your interest and advocacy.

Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 19:52:04
Dear Sue and Andrew,
I am a registered democrat and I have not received my ballot. My husband is a republican and he has received his. (don’t worry, I’ve talked to him a lot) I have lived in the same place for 15 years and have voted in the same polling location. I have been out of town since last Thursday, so if it has come I’ll let you know tomorrow when I pick up the mail.
Please let me know what I should do.

Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 19:46:55 EDT
Subject: Re: Sample ballots not received?
We did receive them yesterday. Thanks. Rita

Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 15:28:02 EDT
Both my husband and I have not received sample ballots. What's going on?

Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2004 18:10:36 -0700 (PDT)
To: Andrew Barbano <>
Andrew, I got mine last Sat.the 21st. Lloyd

Subject: Re: Sample ballots not received?

Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2004 05:45:27 EDT
Hi Sue,
I wanted to let you know that I have received several calls in the last few days, from parties who state that they registered to vote have their receipts and have not received their sample ballot, for most I advised them to wait a few days and the call the Registrar's Office. 

But then, I received a call from Yolanda R., who lives in Cold Springs; she was very upset about this situation stating the neither her or her husband had received their sample ballot (they have their receipts). Yolanda had already contacted the Registrar's Office, and was told; that their is no record for her or her husband, that there was nothing that could be done and that neither of them could vote in the Primary Election. These parties are very irate to say the least.

Please keep me posted as to the resolve to this problem (if any).

Thank you,

Shirl Moore-Byas
Vice Chair, Black Democratic Caucus (BDC), of Washoe County
(775) 359-2840 Email:

Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2004 01:58:15 EDT
Hi Andy. I've been gone for a couple of days but, as of Thursday, Greg and I had not received ours!
Debbie Smith,

Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 21:55:54
All four of us DEMOCRATS received ours today.....   :)        Charlotte

Fri, 27 Aug 2004 17:39:06
Hey I am one of them! My Republican friends had a great and uproarious laugh because my daughter, who lives with me (a 'till death do us part DEM) registered Republican... then she got her ballot and I didn't! I called the voter registrar's office to get her a large print version of the absentee ballot, then asked why I hadn't gotten my sample ballot. The woman answering the phone looked me up to make sure I was registered, and then got very snippy when I pushed on the issue of why all the Republicans I knew had theirs but nne of my dem friends did. Even the independents had called to ask me questions about education races because they got their ballots too! I heard the Registrar in Washoe County is Republican.... the plot thickens! (I got my ballot in the mail today).

Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 16:21:59
I, too, have not received my ballot. My husband got his on Wednesday (he's a republican, but I married him anyway!) I expected mine long before today, especially since early voting has started! I spoke to the Secretary of State's Elections Division and spoke to Meredith. She told me that it is sent out from the county registrar's office. She also suggested writing a letter of complaint and faxing it to their (SOS) office at 684-5718. Then they can investigate them for any improprieties. If they find any, then they can take legal action. This might help, considering that the registrar's office has been letting the media know that Bush is ahead in the elections, so far. Well, DUH!

Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 18:57:12 EDT
Hi Sue,
I have not yet received my sample ballot through the mail. I checked with the mail gal in Incline Village and she said they are trickling in.
Thanks, Donna

Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 15:49:07 -0700
My wife and I received ours yesterday and we voted today.

Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 14:57:44
Sue: As per Andy’s e-mail, I wanted to let you know I just got my sample ballot in the mail yesterday! In fact, was perturbed when I looked at it and read that early voting began last Saturday, August 21st. I reside in East Sparks in Bernie Anderson’s district, Assembly District 31, where I am precinct captain. I’m copying the SNEA Reno Organizers, my fellow Board members for the Washoe Chapter of SNEA/AFSCME Local 4041 (Norman Huckle is our Board President), and our Executive Director, Scott McKenzie, as well as members of the Black Democratic Caucus, to ensure they are made aware of this and/or can respond. Thanks for the heads-up Andy.

Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 12:19:17 EDT
Sue: I DID NOT receive my sample ballot. My husband did. How come there are more missing that are democrats than other? More chicanery out of the nation's capitol no doubt !! ha ha Anyway, the ballot is so short could probably just memorize it and forget it !   

Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 22:54:08 -0700
I am an Incline Village democrat and I have not received my sample ballot, even though early voting has started in Incline. I went to my post office box today, Thursday, August 26, around 2 p.m. All mail is supposed to be in the boxes by noon. My son, a Reno democrat, received his sample ballot today.

Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 20:58:03
We received all three demo ballots at the same time, today, Thurs. Aug. 26. Don't know any repubs off hand that I could ask about their receipt of ballots.

Thursday, August 26, 2004 7:34 AM
I live in a household with 1 registered Republican, 1 independent and 2 dems. The Republican ballot arrived on Fri last; the inde arrived on Mon. No dems ballots have arrived. I called the registrar's office this morning. She took our dem names and said she would put them in a special bin to be sure we would get one. hmmmmm I told her about the Rep and Inde already having received their ballots and she said she had heard that a lot from dems. She also said the last mailing was Monday. Is this something that should be passed along to the press?
I'm concerned that dems are getting their ballots later with less time to research candidates. Many of the RGJ's interviews have already run; and I know many people don't start thinking about races until their ballot arrives. Of course worse things could happen: the ballots may not arrive at all.
Thank you for listening.
[EDITOR'S NOTE: GIven the early morning timeline, this lady may have given the RGJ the idea to do the story. Mazeltov!]

Subject: Our lost sample ballots
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 19:53:48
Dear Sue: My wife and I still have not received our sample ballots. We live in central Reno. We voted on Saturday, August 28th, the first day possible, but it would have been nice to have a sample ballot. (We figured Dan Gustin intercepted ours!!)

Thu, 26 Aug 2004 17:12:47 -0700 (PDT)
Thanks Andy: Dora and I asked for absentee mail-in ballots,,disabled, We got our ballots with a note to return the next day. Aug.19. I  received my Independant ballot yesterday, Dora got her Dem. ballot today. Dora read me my ballot the only name I reconized was Welder so I voted for him.. So much for Democracy.

Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 18:59:15 -0500
Beth and I received our DEM ballots in today's mail.

To: "Andrew Barbano" <>
Subject: Re: Sample ballots not received?
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 15:50:38
Hi Andy,
My wife and I received our sample ballots yesterday. She is a Republican. I am an independent.
Don't know if this helps.
BTW. I voted my feelings of Charter with my feet. I now have a dish.

Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 14:48:49
Just got a note from Andy Barbano that you are looking into people who have not yet received their sample ballots.
There are two of us in this household, both Democrats, and neither of us have received our sample ballots.
PEG, Reno

Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 2:49 p.m. PDT
I'm a Democrat and John's non-partisan. We have not received our sample ballots.
Mary, Reno

Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 17:18:17 EDT
Subject: Re: Sample ballots not received?
We just received ours today, Andrew. I was beginning to wonder if it would ever arrive.
Paul C.

Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 20:58:25
I again questioned why I had not received my sample ballot when I read in the early voting article about voters receiving incorrect ballots. One of the corrective suggestions was to bring your sample ballot. That is going to be hard for many of us to do until we receive it. Does this mean early voting for just a chosen few? Of course, as a Democrat Precinct Captain of 658, living at my home in Village Green, Sparks, for more than 12 years and voting in every Primary and General Election. Maybe the Postman can't find me or my wife without priority mail? Maybe its that I am a member of Unidos Con Kerry that is affecting the delay? Maybe the Bush Administration has found ways to lose the bundled mail conveniently bundled Democrat, Independent, and Republican bundles. Ooh! I forgot the Republican Sample Ballots are sent 1st Class under the classification of "Franking".

Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 00:50:10
Spoke too soon it appears, both sample ballots delivered today by a late postal delivery in our neighborhood. Normally mail is around 3:30 to 4:00 p.m. they can't keep good mail people, today delivery was after 5:00 p.m. What am I talking about, back to bashing cable contracts!--

Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 13:35:10 (PDT)
From: peter sferrazza <>
Subject: Re: Sample ballots not received?
To: Andrew Barbano <>

Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 13:30:41
To: Andrew Barbano <>
You might want to post your request on the Reno-Gazette Journal's opinion forum . You might find a couple more people who haven't received their ballots, either.
I understand that you are interested in Nevada voters who haven't received their sample ballots. My husband and I are registered Democrats in Washoe County. We received Republican sample ballots addressed to the former owners of our house, but have not received sample ballots addressed to ourselves. We're fairly new to Nevada, and if we hadn't received the ballots for the previous residents of our home, we probably wouldn't even have known to expect them at all.
If you need more information, please email or call me.

Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 13:18:55
Andy and Susan
No, Wayne and I have not received our ballots.

Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 16:02:22 EDT
Subject: Democratic BallOT
Where oh where can my ballot be? Oh where oh where can it be? I'm a registered Democratic in Washoe County and get more junk mail from the GOP that my own party. After one visit to Motor vehicles (its easy to register to vote at the DMV), one trip to the web, and finally a personal visit to the register of voters at the Washoe County offices, I finally received my voter registration card in person showing that I am a Democrat.
Ross Steffner
Teamsters Union Local 533
Business Agent, veteran, and proud member of the Democratic Party (I hope).

Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 12:57:59
CORRECTION: All the NPs in our household received them. None of us Democrats. Hmmmm....

Subject: Re: Sample ballots not received?
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 12:48:45 -0700
Two members of our household received sample ballots the other two (one a Democrat and one a Libertarian), did not.

Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 15:42:20 EDT
Subject: Re: Sample ballots not received?
Thanks. I have not received mine yet.
I will call (Sue Voyles at the Gazette-Journal)

Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 14:50:06 -0700
To: Andrew Barbano <>
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 14:48:49 -0700
Subject: Sample Ballots
Just got a note from Andy Barbano that you are looking into people who have not yet received their sample ballots.
There are two of us in this household, both Democrats, and neither of us have received our sample ballots.

Unions will monitor polls during September 7 Nevada primary
Poll monitors will highlight problems with voter access
Nevada voters must show i.d. to vote for first time
You will show your papers or we will find your relatives in the old country!



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