TV-4's Joe Hart reported in August, 2009, that because
of the Hyatt's location, it will pay no property tax due
to a law passed by the Nevada Legislature designed to
encourage construction near airports. Corporate welfare
screws schools, parks, roads, police and fire protection
one more time!
RENO, Nev. (Tuesday,
Dec. 30, 2008) Local construction workers will conduct
an informational picket at the Hyatt Hospitality Suites site
in front of the Reno airport beginning at 10:00 a.m. today.
The project is located on the southwest corner of Plumb Lane
and Terminal Way, just east of U.S. 395.
"The Louisiana-based developer, Intercoastal Hospitality,
Inc., hired an Arkansas-based general contractor who is paying
below area-standard wages and benefits," stated Paul McKenzie,
executive secretary-treasurer of the Building and Construction
Trades Council of Northern Nevada.
"Two of the project's subcontractors were not licensed
in Nevada when the job was bid," he added. State law requires
that bidders be licensed in order to submit or accept a bid.
(Nevada Revised Statutes 624.700)
"These out-of-staters
not only underpay itinerant workers, but also put nothing into
health and retirement benefits or proper training.
"We have observed serious safety problems at the site,"
McKenzie said.
"Because of state budget cuts, OSHA (Occupational Safety
and Health Administration) inspection has been lax," McKenzie
"Hyatt Corp.
makes the claim that they have no input as to how their hotels
are constructed. That's like saying Anheuser-Busch would allow
any brewer to put a Budweiser label on their product,"
McKenzie said.
"Longstanding, credible economic research proves that the
pay rates of the skilled trades act as a benchmark for all salaries
and wages in a region. That's why President-elect Barack Obama
wants to kick-start the economy with infrastructure construction
projects," McKenzie said.*
"About one in three construction workers in this area is
unemployed. It's an insult to Nevada workers to have this deep-south
company coming in and watering down wages for work that's available,"
McKenzie said.
The Sparks-based Building
and Construction Trades Council of Northern Nevada is comprised
of 19 unions.
* Richard B. Freeman and James L. Medoff, What
Do Unions Do?, Basic Books, 1984; Harvard University
Press, 1987
Hyatt contacts
Chris Dobbins, Regional VP of Development
7272 E. Indian School Rd., Suite 101
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
(480) 308-2915
e-mail christopher.dobbins@hyattselect.com
Mr. Chris Ivy, Senior VP-Development
71 South Wacker Drive
Chicago, IL 60606
(312) 750-1234
e-mail global.development@corphq.hyatt.com