César Chávez Celebration VII
March/marzo 31, 2009
Circus Circus-Reno
pays tribute to late Reno labor leader
WAY WE WERE The above is a recently discovered
photo from 1986. Left to right are Kathy Brown, Culinary Union
Local 86 office manager; Miguel Contreras, Local 86 Secretary-Treasurer;
Local 86 President Bill Uehlein; a lady named Natalie (anyone
who knows her last name, please
write), and César Chávez. This item was first
published in Ahora, northern Nevada's Spanish-English weekly,
on March 26, 2008. (UPDATE: On 3-19-2009, President Obama paid
tribute to Brother Contreras as he spoke in the L.A. building
named after the late labor leader. See the 1986 Chávez
Reno archive, below.)
courtesy of Dan Rusnak, retired business manager of Laborers'
Union Local 169.)
More stories and photos
from César Chávez's 1986 Reno visit.
Chávez Day will remind us
what we can become
Barbano Guest Editorial / Reno
Gazette-Journal 3-21-2009
Ruben Kihuen introduces Nevada César Chávez Day bill
needed on AB 301
essay contest underway Entries encouraged
Signs César Chávez Day Bill
SE PUEDE. Assemblymember Ruben Kihuen's,
D-Las Vegas, César
Chávez Day bill passed
the senate 21-0 on May 12, 2009 and is on its way to the governor for
signature. Well done, all!
de ley pide designación de día de Cesar Chávez
es presentado en la legislatura de Nevada.
Fecha limite para el concurso anual del ensayo
de Cesar Chávez es el 24 de marzo, 2009.
Washoe County School District César
Essay Contest
Deadline to return entries: March 24
and rules in English
y reglas para el concurso de César Chávez
Sponsorship and ticket prices
$ 7,500
- Television spot
- Reserved Table
for 10
- Major sponsorship
mention on all media
- Sponsorship of
Washoe County School District annual César Chávez
essay contest
- Logo and links
at the bi-lingual César Chávez section at
- Event onsite credit:
Wall banner; distribution of literature and display table
if needed; event program credit and recognition from the podium.
$ 4,000
- Reserved Table
for 10
- Half of Platinum
package spot schedule
- Logo and links
at the bi-lingual César Chávez section at
- Event onsite credit:
Wall banner; distribution of literature and display table
if needed; event program credit and recognition from the podium.
- Reserved Table
for 10
- Sponsorship credit
on event program
- Logo and links
at the bi-lingual César Chávez section at
Reserved Table for 10
- Purchased on or
before March 20: $ 500.00
- Purchased March
21 or thereafter: $ 575.00
year we had an overflow sellout which is why we have moved to
all reserved seating. We will make best efforts to seat friends
together (let us know well in advance), but if you are going
to be part of a group, we strongly recommend buying a reserved
Purchased on
or before March 20: $ 55 each; second ticket: $ 25
Purchased March 21 through March 27: $ 60 each; 2nd ticket:
$ 30
At the door: $ 65 per person
Children under 12:
Seniors 65+ or students (with student i.d.)
on or before March 20: $ 35 each
21 or thereafter: $ 40
note that the incentive to buy a pair of tickets does not mean
that the "second ticket" price applies to nos. 3,
4, 5 et al. For instance, if someone wants to buy four tickets
on March 10, the price is $80 x 2 = $160.00.
you cannot attend or send representatives, please consider purchasing
tickets which we will donate with your compliments to students,
seniors and those of limited resources.
make checks payable to
Box 10034
NV 89510
For those who wish to purchase online, please go to this URL
at one of my sister websites: ReSurge.TV.
requiring hotel rooms may take advantage of our group rate of
$39.00 (plus 13.5% Washoe County Room Tax).
Call 1-800-648-5010, ask for the Reservations Dept. and refer
to the César Chávez Celebration. The group code
is "icesar" should you need it.
Thanks for your consideration.
In Solidarity,
(775) 786-1455
Fax 747-0979
We reserve the right to turn down any sale or admission.
sponsors are donating portions of their ticket blocs so that area
students may participate. Anyone planning to attend, even if your
tickets are included in a sponsor or media package, should call for
reservations which are required because of limited seating. Thanks
for your patience.
sponsored by Laborers'
Union Local 169 and Circus
Circus Reno, this year's event will take place at
Circus Circus beginning at 6:00 p.m.
public is welcome at the event which will again feature food, scholarship
winners and entertainment.
Doors open at 5:30 p.m. on March
31, with the program beginning at 6:00 p.m. Nevadans who knew or worked
with Chávez will speak on their experiences. Members of his
immediate family, imcluding his brother, Librado, are again expected
to attend.
In conjunction with the Washoe
County School District, students in three grade levels are again participating
in an essay contest. The competition is open to all students from
Kindergarten through 12th grade.
Chávez was born on March 31, 1927, on a small farm near Yuma,
Arizona. At 10 years of age, Chávez began life as a migrant
farm worker. This ultimately led to his cause or "La Causa,"
advocating for better wages and working conditions for the nation's
farm workers. In 1952, he began the National Farm Workers Association
(NFWA) to strive for equal rights for agricultural workers.
Chávez learned from and practiced the non-violent principles
of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Mohandas K. Gandhi. Chávez
died on April 23, 1993, at the age of 66. He was posthumously awarded
a Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1994. The United States Postal
Service issued a commemorative
first class stamp bearing his image in 2003.
March 10, 1968,
Robert Kennedy, D-NY, and César Chávez met
in Delano, California, for the breaking of Chavez's anti-violence
fast. Chávez's
physicians had contacted Kennedy to ask for his help in convincing
Chávez to end his fast before it did more damage to his health.
March 17, 1966,
farm workers led by César
began a march from Delano to Sacramento.
On March
31, 1927, César
Chávez was born near Yuma, Ariz.
York Times obituary, April 24, 1993:
"Mr. Chávez, who was described by Robert F. Kennedy in
1968 as 'one of the heroic figures of our time,'was widely acknowledged
to have done more to improve the lot of the migrant farm worker than
anyone else. Fighting growers and shippers who for generations had
defeated efforts to unionize field workers, and later fighting rival
unionists, Mr. Chávez for the first time brought a degree of
stability and security to the lives of some migrant workers. Largely
because of him, the California Legislature in 1975 passed the nation's
first collective bargaining act outside Hawaii for farm workers, who
are largely excluded from Federal labor law coverage. 'For the first
time,' Mr. Chávez said when asked to describe the union's achievement,
'the farm worker got some power.' Asked what had motivated his stubborn
fight, he said, 'For many years I was a farm worker, a migratory worker,
and, well, personally and I'm being very frank maybe
it's just a matter of trying to even the score.'"
of longtime Nevada reporter Dennis Myers' Poor
Denny's Almanac]
Chávez Celebration IV
31, 2005
Left to right, Maria
Zamora, Librado "Lee" Chávez
and Tony Mayorga. Lee Chávez
holds up a United Farm Workers of America flag signed by
his late brother. The flag is part of Ms. Zamora's collection
memorabilia which she displayed at the 2004 Chávez
Celebration and will do so again this year. Ms. Zamora marched
with César
in the 1960's and cooked for the multitudes as they trekked
across California. Tony Mayorga
is President of Laborers' Union Local 169, a founding
sponsor of the celebration.
[UPDATE: Librado Chávez
and a dozen family members attended the 2008 event.] |
César Chávez came to Reno
How often do we get to meet the
great men of our age? Of the great apostles of nonviolence
who have lived in our time and generations, I got to meet
only one, but that was a meaningful one. César
Chávez's (1986) visit to Reno gave me the opportunity
to meet him, to shake his hand, to stand in his presence.
It was an honor, one of the privileged moments of my life.
On March 10, 1968, Robert
Kennedy went to Delano to be with César
when he broke his fast for nonviolence. Senator Kennedy
said to César's
supporters in the farm workers, "And when your children
and grandchildren take their place in America, going to
high school and college and taking good jobs at good pay
when you look at them, you will say, 'I did this.
I was there, at the point of difficulty and danger'. And
though you may be old and bent from many years of labor,
no man will stand taller than you when you say, 'I marched
with César'."
We have not been very good
custodians of that hope. Good jobs at good pay seem further
away than ever. We have to do better. César's
example calls.
Courtesy of longtime Nevada reporter Dennis Myers'
Poor Denny's Almanac
Used by permission.
FLAG ART presented by César Chávez to Reno Musicians
Union Local 368 Secretary-Treasurer Beth Shay at
Reno César
Chávez Day I on July 15, 1986. Each color is symbolic
black for the dark situation of the farmworkers of the
time; red for toil and sacrifice and the white circle for hope.
Chávez himself designed it.