









"If you can't say anything nice about someone, sit right here by me."

Alice Lee Roosevelt Longworth

Deciding Factors — the television series hosted by Andrew Barbano
Plus links to News 4's Nevada Newsmakers and Cable TV Consumer Pages

The latest installment appears at the top of the list.
Links to archives and special reports appear at bottom.
Unless otherwise noted, columns originate in the Daily Sparks, Nev., Tribune

The economic cure-all of mad cows
(Expanded from 12-28-2003 Tribune; also edited for the 1-1-2004 Comstock Chronicle)

A toxic Christmas present for America
The bitter fruitcake of needless war
(Expanded from 12-21-2003 Tribune; also edited for the 12-25 Comstock Chronicle)

Swallowing what the cyclops feeds us
(Expanded from 12-14-2003 Tribune; also edited for the 12-18 Comstock Chronicle)

Reagan, Roosevelt, Reid, Redford and the jockocracy
(Expanded from 12-7-2003 Tribune; also edited for the 12-11 Comstock Chronicle) Exclusive
500 Reno Hilton employees fear pink slips Dec. 1
Toxic tales of no glory and no guts
(Expanded from 11-30-2003 Tribune; also edited for the 12-4 Comstock Chronicle)

Concrete blondes and unintended consequences
Conservative lawsuit may return Right-to-Work-For-Less to the voters
Expanded from 11-23-2003 Tribune; also appeared in the 11-27 Comstock Chronicle
An edited version appeared in Las Vegas CityLife, 12-11-2003

Dropping the hammer and fumbling the ball
Criminalizing work and criminal cable TV rates
Alliance for Workers Rights forms ex-Sundowner network
(11-16-2003 Tribune; edited for the 11-20 Comstock Chronicle)

Saturday Night at the Apocalypse Saloon
Some guys you should avoid like the plague (11-9-2003)
and 11-13-2003 Comstock Chronicle

Fighting words, monopoly games and brothel roulette (11-2-2003)
and 11-6-2003 Comstock Chronicle

Signs from God at city hall (10-26-2003)
and 10-30-2003 Comstock Chronicle

Listen to the madman on the streetcorner (10-19-2003)
and 10-23-2003 Comstock Chronicle

California gives itself a boob job (10-12-2003)
An updated version appeared in the 10-16-2003 Comstock Chronicle

Drop kick me, Jesus, to Sparks City Hall (10-5-2003)
An updated version appeared in the 10-9-2003 Comstock Chronicle

Mahatmas, money grubbers and muscleheads (9-28-2003)
Michael Moore: shocking Wesley Clark Iraq revelation
Arnold Schwarzenegger outed

An updated version appeared in the 10-2-2003 Comstock Chronicle

Them what's got shall get, them what's not shall lose (9-21-2003)
An updated version appeared in the 9-25-2003 Comstock Chronicle

Tales of two Johnnies and the Joneses (9-14-2003)
An updated version appeared in the 9-18-2003 Comstock Chronicle

Talking Treason — Ashcroft in Nevada (9-7-2003)
An updated version appeared in the 9-11-2003 Comstock Chronicle

Burning Bush on Labor Day (8-31-2003)
An updated version appeared in the 9-4-2003 Comstock Chronicle

Slipping on oil and walking on water (8-24-2003)
An updated version appeared in the 8-28-2003 Comstock Chronicle

If you sell cheap, you are cheap (8-17-2003)
An updated version appeared in the 8-21-2003 Comstock Chronicle

Cynicism is never having to say you're sorry (8-10-2003)
An updated version appeared in the 8-14-2003 Comstock Chronicle

Coming of Age in the High Desert Outback of the American Dream
Special to Las Vegas CityLife 8-7-2003

Libel and warmongering — that's entertainment (8-3-2003)
Twisted tales of allegations and allegators
An updated version appeared in the 8-7-2003 Comstock Chronicle

The high desert teenager matures just a little
An updated version appeared in the 7-31-2003 Comstock Chronicle

Gov. Dudley Do-Right and the Pelican Brief
also published in the 7-24-2003 Comstock Chronicle

Mad as hell? Aim your fire a little higher
also published in the 7-17-2003 Comstock Chronicle

Tombstone Epitaph: Don't Blame Me
also published in the 7-10-2003 Comstock Chronicle

Bragging rights and budgetary bugging (6-29-2003)
also published in the 7-3-2003 Comstock Chronicle

The politics of wearing scrambled eggs
also published in the 6-26-2003 Comstock Chronicle

Legislature swoons on the muggy Ides of June
also published in the 6-19-2003 Comstock Chronicle

Remembering Don and Liz Dondero

     Links to obits, info about Don's star-strewn book, his WWII exploits, the PBS program "The Making of the Misfits," tributes to Don and Liz, coverage of their going-away party and lots and lots of (what else?) Dondero photos.

Adios to Dondero and some political careers
Daily Sparks Tribune 6-8-2003

Dondero — Nevada's Photographic Memory
Daily Sparks Tribune 6-1-2003

Blast from the past
Censorship shootout: The Donald vs. Sundance
Daily Sparks Tribune 8-23-1992

Immemorial Day: The hazards of jingo-patriotism and Olyaphrodisia

Hell freezes over on the Ides of May

Gambling industry continues to cook the books
Special to KUNR fm-88.7 / NPR, 12 May 2003

Messages from the piano player in the cat house (5-11-2003)

Legislative Petting Zoo — Some animals are more equal than others

Wife-beating, Dubya, Dudley & Dixie Chicks

Legislative zoology: Hungry wolves and haughty hogs
Special to Las Vegas CityLife 4-24-2003

The Baghdad buffet becomes Carson City chaos

Fight the juice and get washed out with the tide

Petty empires, war and peace, life and death

Cesar Chavez, duct tape and cable bandidos (3-30-2003)

EXPOSED! The problem with your cable TV is me

When elephants kill rhinos, who will answer?

Mucking with monopolists, mugwumps & mavericks

Astroturf, Lord Vader's sling and Sam Shad's shoes

Guy Richardson — Little Giant Among the Stars (2-23-2003)

The dogs of war in the sands of Iraq and Nevada

Minor victories with Harry Potter and Uncle Scrooge

Barbano vs. the Gambling-Industrial Complex — Don't Let Casinos Off the Hook
Special to the Las Vegas Review-Journal 2-7-2003

Sammy Davis, Jr. — HNIC
From the Las Vegas CityLife Black History Month edition 2-6-2003

Dudley Do-Right, Joe Neal, chopped liver and the elephant in the living room
Web Special EXTRA Edition 2-3-2003

Logrolling, air raids and dirty deeds done dirt cheap

Next to nothing from Gov. Dudley Do-Right and his limo-dudes
Special to Las Vegas CityLife 1-30-2003

Bus busting and taxy dancing with Gov. Dudley Do-Right

Gambling industry offers only token taxes and cosmetic participation
1-20-2003 Web Extra

Dudley Do-Right, Will Rogers and the silence of the cows

War stories your grandfather never told you

Riding the Lame Party Animals

Seven-year investigative series

PUMPING PROFITS — Why does gasoline cost so much?
Read the awful truth in the Barbwire Oilogopoly Archive

Gov. Dudley Do-Right's Greatest Hits










Dudley Do-Right, Snidely Whiplash and Nell Fenwick cartoon characters © Jay Ward Productions

© 1982-2004 Andrew Barbano, all rights reserved

Andrew Barbano is a Reno-based member of Communications Workers of America Local 9413,
the union of Mark Twain. A 34-year Nevadan, he is a writer, media maven and editor/producer of websites and radio and television programs. Barbwire by Barbano has originated in the Daily Sparks (Nev.) Tribune since 1988.

Site composed and maintained by Deciding Factors
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