Organized Labor Responds to Day of Infamy
Union locals are hereby notified to send additional news to this website for dissemination as it develops. Tourism drop puts tipped workers in serious jeopardy IRS temporarily cuts tip tax due to disaster Las Vegas casinos lay off hundreds CARSON
VALLEY FIREFIGHTERS BEGIN FUNDRAISING FOR FALLEN NEW YORK BRETHREN MINDEN, Nev. (Sept. 13) An idea sparked Wednesday afternoon in Douglas County, Nev., may reach across the U.S. East Fork firefighter Robert Lekumberry said the district and the International Association of Firefighters Union Local 3726 will begin at 8 a.m. today raising money (at local supermarkets) to help firefighters in New York. "We're trying to determine what the needs for firefighters are," Lekumberry said. "We don't know if they need family relief or what, we just don't know what their need is." As of Wednesday, more than 202 firefighters were unaccounted for after the twin towers of the World Trade Center collapsed following the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D.C.
Contributions may also be deposited directly into account number 004 964 150 966 at any Bank of America branch. Read the full story from the Carson City Nevada Appeal. FOLLOWUP Carson Valley firefighters collect $45,000 in one day CARSON CITY, Nev. (Sept. 14) By Thursday afternoon, Douglas County firefighters had raised $45,000 to help families of firefighters lost in New York City's terrorist attack. "We're literally overwhelmed," said Capt. Robert Lekumberry of the East Fork Fire and Paramedics District. "We never dreamed there would be this much of a response. We thought if we could get $10,000 over three days, we would be thrilled. We never dreamed we would have this." Read the full story from the Carson City Nevada Appeal. UPDATE Firefighter fundraising tops $500,000 COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF AMERICA GENERAL PRESIDENT LISTS HIS UNION'S FATALITY NUMBERS From: Morton Bahr, General President Communications Workers of America/AFL-CIO UPDATE - September 13, 2001, 15:30 EDT With the help of the management of the New York/New Jersey Port Authority, we have been able to account for all of our members. Unfortunately, four are presumed dead.
So the apparent final totals are as follows: [EDITOR'S NOTE -- company names apply to the fallen union members' employers.]
I expect to write to all the locals tomorrow with all the information available and suggest plans to help those families who have lost loved ones, as well as injured members. We need to keep in mind that between 50,000 and 100,000 people are unemployed today. One of our employers advised a local president that he is wiped out and can't pay our 65 members past wages. So there will be an awful lot for us to do within the CWA family bearing in mind the families of those heroic firefighters and police officers who lost their lives trying to rescue others. NORTHERN NEVADA CENTRAL LABOR COUNCIL VOTES TO SEND MONEY TO WORKER RELIEF SPARKS, Nev. (Sept. 12) The Northern Nevada Central Labor Council/AFL-CIO voted Wednesday to send $500 to support national AFL-CIO disaster relief efforts. The organization is the umbrella body for a wide range of construction, manufacturing, service and public employee unions in northwestern and central Nevada. For more information contact: Rich Houts, Secretary-Treasurer (775) 355-9200 or Todd Koch, President (775) 356-8567. The national AFL-CIO website has devoted all its resources to disaster relief issues. Go to its "what you can do" page. Building
& Construction Trades Council of Northern Nevada/AFL-CIO ELECTRICAL
WORKERS SHUTTER RENO OFFICE IN HONOR OF FALLEN MEMBERS Out of respect for the brave men and women who performed electrical work at the World Trade Center, the IBEW 401 union hall at 2713 E. Fourth Street in Reno will be closed on Friday. Business will resume during normal hours on Monday, Sept. 17. IBEW Local 401 represents workers throughout northern Nevada. For more information, contact Wendy Jones, (775) 329-2566 or (775) 329-7174. UPDATE (10-17-2001): Local 401 members have pledged to send one-hour's pay or more to New York City relief in care of IBEW Local 3. By Sept. 14, IBEW locals had raised over $800,000. The following commentary has been all over the Internet. If anyone has the URL of the originating television station, please forward it.
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