If we had to choose one
single thing that would most benefit Nevada and its citizens and
bring balance back into the political system it would be to ban
political contributions from the gaming industry. There is nothing
else that so distorts the legislative landscape as does this huge
flow of lobby money from the gaming resorts to our eager-to-please
politicians. But take heart, change may be on the way.
One after another, gaming
jurisdictions have taken note of this problem and are moving to
correct it. They are banning gaming industry political donations.
Last week the Illinois House voted 82-21 to prohibit candidates
for office and public officials from receiving contributions or
gifts from casinos or horseracing tracks.
In an industry where
public confidence is so essential it is ludicrous to have legislators
receiving dole from the very people they are charged with regulating.
Circle the wagons --- help is on the way. Of course, a letter to
Carson City wouldn't hurt either.
National Federation of Gaming Employees
March 18, 2001
The following letter was received
in response to the St.
Patrick's Day Barbwire:
If a train ditch will prevent
a train disaster in Reno like the one that happened in the midwest
last week, then the price is cheap. Examine your logic once in
a while.
Barbano replies:
Dear Sir or Ma'am: Thanks for
your comments. If the ditch could provide the answer to the abortion
conundrum or cure cancer, perhaps provide world peace or end
world hunger, it would indeed be cheap. I submit the half-billion
would be better spent in those pursuits. Human suffering would
be alleviated in so many ways. Even Miss America contestants
would have to announce new goals.
I've lived in Reno since 1971. Within the 2.1 mile area in question,
I can't recall there ever having been a case of a tractor-trailer
trying to sneak around the mechanical armed guards and getting
t-boned for its trouble. The worst safety problems our tracks
have presented have involved the munching of an occasional drunk
or the all-too-frequent suicide. A trench will prevent neither
and could conceivably make things worse.
The idea behind the trench remains, as I've stated, to limit
the liability of Union Pacific on the day when - not if - a major
nuclear or toxic spill happens. Trenchies contend that the ditch
will make matters more manageable. I hope so.
Again, as I wrote, the real danger lies in UP tripling the traffic
at double the speed all in the name of increasing corporate merger-spawned
Up already enjoys diminished liability as a result of this ill-conceived
bastard of a contract. The City of Reno has assumed all liability
for whatever ghastly contamination it may find under the track
bed. That could exponentially increase the cost of this public
policy catastrophe and conceivably bankrupt the city and county.
Remember, we property taxpayers are the co-signers on this deal,
as we are in all other types of public finance. If the convention
authority goes insolvent for over-committing or underestimating
room tax revenues, creditors can come after property taxes. Ditto
downtown redevelopment agencies subsidizing movie theaters in
a market which currently has more than twice the number of screens
than its population can handle.
If you live here, you should be as concerned as me. If you don't
live here, don't bitch.
