Serious denial of the reality of life on street
I don't know about your town, but I know where I live. We've got hungry
people, overcrowded schools and sick kidsall made worse because of lousy
wages paid to stressed-out parents. The deprived do desperate deeds. Our
courts, child protective services and, alas, the morgue know this too
awfully well.

Reno and Sparks conduct studies while the convention authority and
downtown redevelopment agencies urinate hundreds of millions of dollars
down the river on corporate welfare schemes. I've got the minutes of a Reno
Hilton executive meeting wherein managers were advised how to help workers
reduced to part-time: tell them to apply for partial welfare. Heaven forbid
decent wages and job security.

The regional transportation Citifare bus system, while laudable from a
pollution standpoint, can also be viewed as another taxpayer subsidy for
the bad wages which are the norm in this community. Poverty pay spawns
mutations like Reno's E. Fourth Street. Its motel families are legendary.
Their children play on asphalt parking lots strewn with needles. This has
been going on so long that some of the motel kids now have offspring of
their own. Most of the parents are low-wage workers.

The average citizen stands perfectly capable of looking at the situation
and coming up with common sense solutions. One such person offered a few
last week in a Reno Gazette-Journal guest editorial. Michael B. Stuart
decried the weakness of local efforts to secure good-paying manufacturing
jobs "that will allow the average citizens in our community to afford to
buy houses, that will raise the average wage," he wrote. "Could it be that
there is a sublime conspiracy to keep wages low in Reno so that supply of
employees to the casinos is greater than the demand?"

Actually, there is. UNR Prof. Bourne Morris discussed it with the
Kazoo-Journal not long after she moved here in the mid-1980s. Morris
expressed astonishment at opposition to economic diversification from top
gambling executives resistant to competition for the low-wage labor pool.
As Mr. Stuart noted and as I've reported many times, local efforts to
evolve beyond a one-horse company town have thus fallen flat.

Mr. Stuart, owner of JLM Industrial Supply in Sparks, bashfully concluded
that "your average American production plants that offer high union-scale
wages do not need a local university system. Note: I am not promoting
unions in Nevada, although I do feel that this is also part of this sublime

Where have I heard such a grudging admission before? How many times have
you witnessed somebody say "I'm not a feminist, but...I believe in equal
pay." Or, "I'm not a civil rights radical, but...racism is rampant in this
country." How about "I'm not a liberal, but...we should help hungry,
homeless children."

Mr. Stuart's reluctance to endorse worker organizing merely reflects the
demonization of certain words by the radical right talkradio-ites of this
world. Americans are basically fair people. When they see unfairness, they
act together to fight it, whether at school, at work or in politics.

They form unions, civil rights, educational and environmental
organizations because the only way the weak can become strong is to work
together as a team, the American way. Insecure corporate clonies find that

The gambling-industrial complex thus continues to push for a
taxpayer-funded concentration camp for Sparks-Reno homeless people. They
hire million-dollar union busters to concoct a climate of fear and
intimidation to keep their workers low-paid and voiceless. Gambling
interests are now underwriting a Nevada Republican Party initiative
petition to keep union members from supporting pro-worker candidates. (See for details of what is rapidly shaping up as a central
issue in next year's elections.)

In California, where a similar campaign
is underway, Republican Gov. Pete Wilson has already eliminated the
eight-hour workday, all part of the drive to take this country back to the

Unions, PTA's and other advocacy groups reflect a collective reaction to
real problems. Cutting through corporate propaganda, a common-sense
businessman like Mr. Stuart arrived at a common sense solution: get
organized or get stepped on. He was just afraid to admit it.

GOOD NEWS DEPT. Thanks to this column's readers, including a few
laborites, that oft-censored documentary about censorship will finally air
in northern Nevada. "Fear and Favoritism in the Newsroom" will run at 9:00
p.m. on Feb. 20 on KNPB TV-5. The news from the Silver State has helped
build national momentum. At last count, more than a dozen stations have now
agreed to shine this bright light on the darkside of corporate media
influence, up from just four last month. You can preview audio and video at

Call and mail your friends to persuade their local PBS affiliates to
telecast this important work. For Las Vegas and Tucson, contact Patty
Thaxton at or call (520) 299-1866. KLVX TV-10
can be reached directly at 4210 Channel 10 Drive, Las Vegas NV, (702)

Be well. Raise hell.

© Andrew Barbano
Andrew Barbano is a member of CWA Local 9413. He is a Reno-based syndicated columnist, a 29-year Nevadan, and editor of U-News. Send an E-mail, especially if you
want to join NAGPAC, the None of the Above for Governor Political Action Committee.
Barbwire by Barbano has appeared in the Sparks Tribune since 1988 and parts of this column were originally published 12/14/97.
Reprints of the UNR financial scandal newsbreaks remain available
for the cost of copying at
Nevada Instant Type in Sparks and both Office Depot Reno locations.